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Teacher Hawkins from Clarkesville, GA is requesting a class trip through DonorsChoose, the most trusted classroom funding site for teachers.

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The Bobcat Charleston Challenge

My students need authentic learning experiences to connect with academic learning. This Charleston trip will provide historical and cultural learning opportunities.

  • $11,858 goal

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Hooray! This project is fully funded

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My Students

If Charleston could speak, she would acclaim herself as a city that tells the entire story of American culture and history. She'd tell a tale that extends from colonial life to the contemporary complexities of our society. Help us meet this great city, learn her story, and feel her inspiring spirit!

This project is specifically developed to fund 25 of our students who (without funding) would otherwise be left behind.

These young learners are eager for the opportunity to learn through exploration and adventure. Not unlike other schools in our current economic time, we are challenged in our ability to provide travel learning experiences. Our students face additional travel challenges due to our rural location and socioeconomic situation. In addition to providing an authentic learning opportunity that connects academic learning within the classroom, this field trip would provide opportunities for socialization and exposure to new environments. This exposure for many of our students will potentially be life-altering and advantageous, particularly for those students who are less fortunate and may never otherwise be provided travel opportunities. Additionally, it will provide new perspective and adventure and will engage the curiosity of all of our young learners.

My Project

Charleston offers our students an opportunity to walk through American culture, literature, history, and unique environment from the time of Colonial America to present day. During their visit to Charleston, students will experience the following: Patriot Point, beach environment tour, Fort Sumter, Drayton Hall, evening ghost tour, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina Aquarium, Bubba Gump's Shrimp Company, and overnight camping on the USS Yorktown. A vital element of our experience will be our visit to Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. There, we will express our gratitude for her presence throughout history and honor her contribution to our nation's walk toward tolerance. This great city shares a common goal with us in our vision for building a community of wisdom, strength, forgiveness, unshaken hope, and a promise to make a difference in the future of our world.

Providing this opportunity for all of our students is an important responsibility.

Such outreach provides equal opportunities within diverse populations to have similar life-experiences and cultural exposure (which are oftentimes not possible for our economically disadvantaged students). Visiting Charleston will provide a learning connection with primary resources which will enrich the deeper lessons we teach toward knowledge, compassion, citizenship, tolerance, and personal growth.

Teacher Hawkins North Habersham Middle School Grades 6-8

More about Teacher Hawkins

Clarkesville, GA View local requests

Half of students from low‑income households Data about students' economic need comes from the National Center for Education Statistics, via our partners at MDR Education. Learn more

125 students impacted 104donors

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Component Company Total
Activity GO Educational Field Trips/Charleston $9,900.00

Trip cost


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Total project goal


87 Donors


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