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Ms. Vacha from Gaston, NC is requesting technology through DonorsChoose, the most trusted classroom funding site for teachers.

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MATH: Mistakes Are Totally Hot... When We Learn From Them!

My students need a document camera to learn from each others' mistakes.

  • $543 goal

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Hooray! This project is fully funded

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My Students

Did you ever have trouble grasping a concept in math? All of my students will struggle with at least one concept this year and being able to see exemplars, in addition to mistakes, will help my students grow.

Entering fifth grade two to three grades levels behind is a huge challenge, but one in which my students embrace head-on.

My students know that MATH stands for Mistakes Are Totally Hot, as long as we learn from them. They currently need different ways to find and fix mistakes, since fixing mistakes is such a powerful learning tool. My students attend a rural kindergarten to twelfth grade school in North Carolina. Our school is a college preparatory school for students in a traditionally under served area of our state. My students are passionate about their education, attending school from 8:00am-5:00pm and some Saturdays. Over 75% of my students qualify for free or reduced lunch and over 80% will be first generation college graduates. My students are fired up about school and work hard daily to climb the mountain to college.

My Project

The document camera I am requesting will help my students, some of which enter fifth grade several grade levels behind, grow to surpass grade level by the end of the year. A document camera will allow students to immediately see exemplar work and also help each other find mistakes in their work. My students will be able to see actual student work, and kids LOVE seeing their own and each others' work on display. The impact a document camera will have on my students is HUGE! A document camera is a powerful tool to not only learn from our own mistakes, but also see our teammates' mistakes and learn from them as well. A document camera will target both visual and auditory learners, allowing me to improve differentiation in my lessons. I will be able to immediately clear up misconceptions by projecting actual student work on the board. This document camera will help my students achieve their goals.

This document camera will revolutionize how my class runs.

Students are instantly engaged when they see their own and teammates' work. A document camera also saves days of instructional time every year. Instead of students rewriting their work on the board, we will be able to immediately see their thought process projected onto the board. My "Math Masters" will become even stronger mathematicians by having access to a document camera everyday!

Ms. Vacha KIPP Gcp Primary School Grades 3-5

More about Ms. Vacha

Gaston, NC View local requests 110 students impacted 9donors

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Where Your Donation Goes

Materials Cost Quantity Total
Epson DC-06 Document Camera - document camera • Best Buy for Business $383.39 1 $383.39

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4 Donors


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