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This teacher needs your help!

Ms. Valverde from Washington, DC is requesting books through DonorsChoose, the most trusted classroom funding site for teachers.

See what Ms. Valverde is requesting

Literacy Instruction Without Books? Help Me Change That!

My students need a variety of non-fiction and fiction books, in Spanish, for independent reading time, to reinforce the reading comprehension skills they are learning.

  • $502 goal

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Hooray! This project is fully funded

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Celebrating Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month

Celebrate Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month

This project is a part of the Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month celebration because it supports a Latino teacher or a school where the majority of students are Latino.

My Students

My students are expected to improve their reading skills, however, I do not have a leveled library for my students to choose books from during independent reading time.

My students are part of a dual language program.

They receive instruction in English and Spanish everyday. The program's goal is for every child to be biliterate and bilingual. This model is perfect for this population of students, because 95% of my students are English language learners with Spanish being their dominant language at home. Research shows that for students to develop skills in their second language, they should continue developing these skills in their first language.

My Project

My students need a variety of non-fiction and fiction books, in Spanish, for independent reading time, to reinforce the reading comprehension skills they are learning. My students need to develop their reading comprehension and fluency skills in their dominant language, Spanish, in order to be more successful in their second language, English. These books will allow me to implement a stronger literacy block in my classroom. My students will be able to choose books at their appropriate level for independent reading time to reinforce the skill they learned during group instruction.

These books will give my students the opportunity to become biliterate.

Help close the achievement gap by donating to this grant. All students deserve to have leveled books in their classroom library! Foster reading in my classroom by providing it with leveled books!

Ms. Valverde Bruce - Monroe Elementary School Grades 3-5

More about Ms. Valverde

Washington, DC View local requests 60 students impacted 19donors

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Where Your Donation Goes

Materials Cost Quantity Total
Dany, la estrella del futbol Christa Kempter • Barnes and Noble $6.79 1 $6.79
Imanes: Atraen y Rechazan Natalie M. Rosinsky, Sheree Boyd (Illustrator), Sol Robledo (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $6.79 1 $6.79
Los 4 elementos Nuria Roca, Rosa Maria Curto (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $5.97 1 $5.97
Astronauta: La vida en el espacio (Living in Space) DK Publishing • Barnes and Noble $3.41 1 $3.41
SeeMore Readers Planetas Alrededor del Sol: (Planets Around the Sun) Seymour Simon • Barnes and Noble $3.37 1 $3.37
Energia solar Tea Benduhn • Barnes and Noble $5.08 1 $5.08
Quien fue Albert Einstein?/Who Was Albert Einstein? Jess Brallier, Robert Andrew Parker (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $6.83 1 $6.83
Energia del viento Tea Benduhn • Barnes and Noble $5.08 1 $5.08
Giran En El Espacio: Un Libro Sobre Los Planetas Dana Meachen Rau, Denise Shea (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $6.79 1 $6.79
Energia del agua Tea Benduhn • Barnes and Noble $5.08 1 $5.08
Los volcanes de la Tierra Bobbie Kalman • Barnes and Noble $7.64 1 $7.64
Que Son Los Seres Vivos? (What Is a Living Thing) Bobbie Kalman • Barnes and Noble $5.93 1 $5.93
Usar el Carb n, el Petr leo y el Gas Sharon Katz Cooper • Barnes and Noble $5.54 1 $5.54
Etanol y otros combustibles nuevos Tea Benduhn • Barnes and Noble $5.08 1 $5.08
Luis Walter lvarez Tina Randall • Barnes and Noble $8.46 1 $8.46
El Principito (The Little Prince) Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Bonifacio del Carril (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $7.52 2 $15.04
The Hare and the Tortoise (La Liebre y la Tortuga) Chronicle Books, Max (Illustrator), Adapted by Maria Eulalia Valeri • Barnes and Noble $5.93 1 $5.93
El caballero del alba (The Knight at Dawn: Magic Tree House Series #2) Mary Pope Osborne, Salvatore Murdocca (Illustrator), Marcela Brovelli (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $4.22 1 $4.22
The Little Mermaid/la Sirenita Francesc Capdevila (Max) (Illustrator), Max (Illustrator), Adapted by Oriol Izquierdo • Barnes and Noble $5.97 1 $5.97
Sleeping Beauty/Bella Durmiente Christoph elizabeth mclellen (Illustrator), Chronicle Books, Miguel Desclot, Christoph Abbrederis (Illustrator), Adapted by Miquel Desclot • Barnes and Noble $5.97 1 $5.97
Bellas Hijas de Mufaro (Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters) John Steptoe, John Steptoe (Illustrator), Clarita Kohen (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $6.83 1 $6.83
Juan Bobo busca trabajo (Juan Bobo Goes to Work) Marisa Montes, Joe Cepeda (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $5.97 1 $5.97
Pulgarcita/Thumbelina Luz Orihuela, Javier Andrada (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $3.41 1 $3.41
Por Que Zumban los Mosquitos en los Oidos de la Gente: un Cuento de Africa Occidental (Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears: A West African Tale) Verna Aardema, Osvaldo Blanco (Translator), Leo Dillon (Artist), Diane Dillon (Artist) • Barnes and Noble $15.41 1 $15.41
El Cucuy: A Bogeyman Cuento in English and Spanish Joe Hayes, As Told by Joe Hayes • Barnes and Noble $6.79 1 $6.79
My Mexico/Mexico Mio Tony Johnston, F. John Sierra (Illustrator), F. John Sierra • Barnes and Noble $5.97 1 $5.97
Una ni a llamada Helen Keller (A Girl Named Helen Keller) Lundell, Irene Trivas (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $3.41 1 $3.41
El bosque de los pigmeos Isabel Allende • Barnes and Noble $3.79 1 $3.79
Los Zapaticos de Rosa (The Pink Shoes) Jose Marti, Lulu Delacre (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $5.93 1 $5.93
Wilma sin limites: Como Wilma Rudolph se convirtio en la mujer mas rapida del mundo Kathleen Krull, David Diaz (Illustrator), Alma Flor Ada (Translator), F. Isabel Campoy (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $5.98 1 $5.98
Quien fue Harriet Tubman?/ Who was Harriet Tubman? Yona Zeldis McDonough, Nancy Harrison (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $6.83 1 $6.83
Quien fue Amelia Earhart?/ Who Was Amelia Earhart? Kate Boehm Jerome, David Cain (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $6.83 1 $6.83
Federico Garcia Lorca Para Ninos (Serie Poesia No. 3) Federico Garcia Lorca, Eutimio Martin (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $10.21 1 $10.21
Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Pionera de los Derechos de las Mujeres Connie Colwell Miller, Cynthia Martin (Illustrator), Keith Tucker (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $23.93 1 $23.93
Squanto y el primer D a de Acci n de Gracias (Squanto and the First Thanksgiving) Joyce K. Kessel, Lisa Donze (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $5.93 1 $5.93
Cinco de Mayo Kate Torpie • Barnes and Noble $7.64 1 $7.64
Memorial Day Sheri Dean • Barnes and Noble $5.08 1 $5.08
El Dia de los veteranos Mir Tamim Ansary • Barnes and Noble $6.83 1 $6.83
El Dia de la bandera Mir Tamim Ansary • Barnes and Noble $6.83 1 $6.83
El Dia de la independencia Mir Tamim Ansary • Barnes and Noble $6.83 1 $6.83
El dia de Martin Luther King, Jr. (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) Mir Tamim Ansary • Barnes and Noble $6.83 1 $6.83
El Dia de los presidentes Mir Tamim Ansary • Barnes and Noble $6.83 1 $6.83
La historia de la Pascua (The Story of Easter) Patricia A. Pingry, Lorraine Wells (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $5.93 1 $5.93
Las Palabras No Son para Lastimar Elizabeth Verdick, Martine Agassi, Marieka Heinlen (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $6.04 1 $6.04
Quienquiera que seas Mem Fox, Leslie Staub (Illustrator), Alma Flor Ada (Translator), F. Isabel Campoy (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $5.98 1 $5.98
Adelante, nina... Sigue Sonando (You Go, Girl Keep Dreaming): Un libro especial sobre como creer siempre en una misma Ashley Rice • Barnes and Noble $8.50 1 $8.50
Somas Un Arco Iris: We Are A Rainbow Nancy Maria Grande Tabor, Elena Dworkin Wright (Editor) • Barnes and Noble $6.04 1 $6.04
Farmers Market/Dia de mercado Carmen Parks, Edward Martinez (Illustrator), Alma Flor Ada (Translator), F. Isabel Campoy (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $3.41 1 $3.41
La ciudad de las bestias (City of the Beasts) Isabel Allende • Barnes and Noble $7.68 1 $7.68
El ratoncito de la moto (The Mouse and the Motorcycle) Beverly Cleary, Louis Darling (Illustrator), Lydia Permanyer Netto (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $5.12 1 $5.12
Henry Huggins Beverly Cleary, Louis Darling (Illustrator), Argentina Palacios (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $5.97 1 $5.97
Una tarde en el Amazonas (Afternoon on the Amazon) Mary Pope Osborne, Sal Murdocca (Illustrator), Marcela Brovelli (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $4.22 1 $4.22
En busca de milagros Julia Alvarez • Barnes and Noble $5.55 1 $5.55
Piratas despues del mediodia (Pirates Past Noon: Magic Tree House Series #4) Mary Pope Osborne, Salvatore Murdocca (Illustrator), Marcela Brovelli (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $4.22 1 $4.22
La noche de las ninjas (Night of the Ninjas: Magic Tree House Series #5) Mary Pope Osborne • Barnes and Noble $4.22 1 $4.22
Una momia al amanecer (Mummies in the Morning) Mary Pope Osborne, Salvatore Murdocca (Illustrator), Marcela Brovelli (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $4.22 1 $4.22
Atardecer en el pueblo fantasma (Ghost Town at Sundown: Magic Tree House Series #10 ) Mary Pope Osborne • Barnes and Noble $4.22 1 $4.22
El Gusto Del Mercado Mexicano (Taste of the Mexican Market) Nancy Maria Grande Tabor • Barnes and Noble $6.79 1 $6.79
El Maravilloso Mago de Oz / The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Oz Series #1) L. Frank Baum, W. W. Denslow (Illustrator) • Barnes and Noble $5.08 1 $5.08
La Colcha de los Recuerdos Patricia Polacco, Teresa Mlawer (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $6.83 1 $6.83
Cosechando esperanza: La historia de Cesar Chavez Kathleen Krull, Yuyi Morales (Illustrator), Alma Flor Ada (Translator), F. Isabel Campoy (Translator) • Barnes and Noble $5.98 1 $5.98

Materials cost


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17 Donors


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