Help me give my students individualized instruction that will motivate them and stimulate their success by providing us with laptops, wobble chairs, games, and more.
$4,026 goal
This project expired on October 19, 2020.
This project expired on October 19, 2020.
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My students are 1st grade gifted and benefit from differentiated teaching. They are identified as above grade level in two or more areas.
I am in need of materials that will create a successful, differentiated learning environment, as I am returning after being home to raise my own children.
These students achieve more when offered flexible seating, such as the floor, standing, sitting on a pillow and wobble chairs. When they have that freedom, they are better able to focus on learning.
My Project
My choices are hands-on and flexible so I can offer options to my students. My goal is to offer flexible seating with Premium Beanbag Seats, FlexSpace Balance Ball seats, Wobble Chairs, and Comfy floor seats, and wobble cushions. First, I assess their needs and preferences and use the materials to meet them where they are and lead them to success! People are more productive when their individuality is recognized and honored. I want to offer these seating options, writing options, and lots of manipulatives such as Washable Tactile Pillows (gifted kids often focus better when touching objects of different tactile), Base 10 HandsOn Student (Base ten HandsOn blocks are a must for teaching 1st grade math), Jumbo Magnetic Ten Frames (allows the kids to see how to make tens when adding, which enhances mental math), Unifixsupsup Cubes Set of 1000(again, in stacks of ten, students will add and take away so they can visualize math facts), WhatsInside Soft Feely Box (another tactile opportunity), Numbers Bean Bag Set (for number games with kids standing around the room AND they have permission to throw bean bags in class!), and BuildA Word Magnetic Board (kids can see patterns by physically removing a letter and replacing it with another, such as bat to cat to mat). First graders are active so a classroom of choices gives them opportunities to move and work and sit or stand, such as the Let's Get Moving Numbers Counting Kit (I'm excited for this one! The kids can count forward, backward, by 2's or 5's, all while moving around the room). I want to create an atmosphere that is like a second home!
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As a teacher-founded nonprofit, we're trusted by thousands of teachers and supporters across the country. This classroom request for funding was created by Mrs. Dippre and reviewed by the DonorsChoose team.