Don't Let The Wondering Stop After School: Wonder Homework Bags!
My students need 20 cloth homework bags that will go home weekly to include a collection of many different wonder books and markers to share what they learned about.
$369 goal
Hooray! This project is fully funded
Hooray! This project is fully funded
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We are the Bucket Fillers! This means we fill the "buckets" of everyone we are in contact with each and every day.
We are kind to all!
We spend our days learning and growing together. Each day is an exciting adventure. We are amazing! We are the only STEM focus elementary school in the area with a specific focus on engineering.
This donation will help provide my students with the materials to help them grow in the areas of STEM. Our school has over 400 students. We are not a Title I funded school, so we do not receive many of the resources that other schools may have. The average class size is between 25-30 students. We have a strong commitment to excellence and a great parent network. Our staff works together to support our students in any way possible so all students can succeed.
My Project
Homework gets a bad rap! I want my student's homework to be educational, fun, involve families, and allow for differentiation. This project will do all of these things!
Our classroom's love of Genius Hour will be able to continue at home when they take home one of the 20 wonder homework bags each week that this project will create!
These cloth bags will include 1-2 books from the I Wonder Why... series, a set of markers, and a writing journal to record what they find most interesting. Students will get to spend the week exploring the answers to many of the questions that they have. This will help them with many of the standards that I teach throughout the year. Students will be using their reading and writing skills to learn about lots of different content areas. One of the best things is that they can pick and choose what they find most interesting to learn about on the topic. My hope is that once they have a little taste for a topic, they will want to dig into it even more! Students will be able to do this at home or during our class Genius Hour time which is a time where they research a topic of their choosing. These bags will be able to be used all year long and for multiple years to come. All students will be able to have a different bag each week, so their wondering brains will be challenged all year long!
Half of students from low‑income households
Data about students' economic need comes from the National Center for Education Statistics, via our partners at MDR Education. Learn more
DonorsChoose is the most trusted classroom funding site for teachers.
As a teacher-founded nonprofit, we're trusted by thousands of teachers and supporters across the country. This classroom request for funding was created by Mrs. Flicek and reviewed by the DonorsChoose team.