Use code MUSTACHE for matching. Some of you may recall the Vice Presidential debate where Lloyd Benson lectured Dan Quayle about Jack Kennedy. How would you feel if in the course of growing a 1970's mustache to support public education you were confronted with â I know Tom Selleck, heâ s a friend of mine and sir you are no Tom Selleck." I am subjecting myself to that very type of public humiliation and private doubt.To justify this endeavor, I need your support. Please sponsor my ... more
Use code MUSTACHE for matching. Some of you may recall the Vice Presidential debate where Lloyd Benson lectured Dan Quayle about Jack Kennedy. How would you feel if in the course of growing a 1970's mustache to support public education you were confronted with âI know Tom Selleck, heâs a friend of mine and sir you are no Tom Selleck." I am subjecting myself to that very type of public humiliation and private doubt.To justify this endeavor, I need your support. Please sponsor my 'stache by choosing a classroom project below and making a donation of any amount. And wish me and my Mustache luck. hide
Thank you so much for your generous donation to our classroom. With your support the students have had access to the Internet and word processing documents to do their science research reports. The new computers were an extra level of engagement with the fancy touch screens and wireless keyboards. In addition, the computers gave the whole class access to online videos of science content to augment the learning in class.
Again, thank you for your support of our students. It's people like you that make working in public education a joy.”
I just want to express my gratitude for your generous donation to my classroom. The comfy pillows, the wireless classroom headphones, the listening amp and the listening storage center have helped my kindergarten students learn how to read. We have used them to listen to different stories daily to learn how to read and follow the sentences in the book.
Our school district cannot afford to supply a listening center to every single classroom. Therefore, without your donation, my students will not get these important resources to help them learn how to read.
Thank you very much for your donation and your support to my classroom!”
Just wanted to say THANK YOU for your generous donation towards supporting my students this year!
Every time we used the Google Nexus tablets in class, the students were eager to explore! A popular app that they used was a Math facts-game. Some students felt successful completing a "grade level" and were even able to challenged themselves with harder Math calculations. There were also some Spelling games we played, focusing on how to distinguish homophones (2 or more words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have a different meaning).”
Just wanted to say thank you for your generous donation towards supporting my students' reading this year.
My students benefited from having more and more books added to the classroom library. They read various books, ranging from fiction to non-fiction, including mysteries and biographies! They also enjoyed learning about how towers are built, as well as the life cycle of a frog! Many of the non-fiction books contain a glossary at the back, full of content-rich vocabulary.
Your generous donation towards great readers has made a great impact on these future leaders!”
Thank you very much for your generous donations! The students in the before school English Language Class are benefiting from the computer in positive ways. Because the school library is closed this year and students in the upper grades must check books out online, the computer has enabled the class to learn this process and reserve their books. They have also learned how to access the public library's online book site. Videos and online lessons relating to reading skills we study make lessons more engaging. Being able to demonstrate and use the computer for research projects empowers these students. Thank you for supporting their learning!”
Thank you very much for your generous donations to my Donors Choose literacy project. This school year, my students' reading levels were assessed. Each one had their own individualized level. Last summer, I attended a 5 day Teachers College Reading Workshop to learn how to implement Reading Workshop in my classroom. One of the main components was establishing a leveled classroom library and this is where your help came in. My class needed a large collection of leveled books for their individual reading levels, which became my Donors Choose project. Thanks to you, my students have a nice array of books at their level. They are enjoying reading so much this year! They get to choose their own books and are reading "longer and stronger". Thank you again for donating to Donors Choose. Please know that you have made a difference.”
Thank you so much for your generous donations that enabled our school to receive the Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention reading program. This program has been a joy for me and my students to use. It contains so many great stories for the kids to read at their own reading levels. They are able to feel so proud of themselves as they move on to higher reading levels as the weeks go by. Not only are the books wonderful, but the lesson plans, activities, take-home books, and other materials that are part of the program have also contributed to my students' abilities to become better readers.
Without your help, I would have had to piece together the various materials and lessons from a variety of sources myself, and still not have come up with a program as comprehensive and well put together as this one. I am so grateful to have such an awesome resource to use with my students.
Thank you for caring enough to contribute to this project. You have made such a difference in my students' lives.”
Thank you so much for your generous contributions! As you can see in the photos, we are truly enjoying our new science materials. The science center has been the most popular area in the room as of late! With the magnetic set, the students like to investigate which metals are magnetic, and which are not. The biggest question is: why? The magnifiers help us take a much closer look at the materials! Our new books are a really great addition to our science units of study. Currently we are focusing on solids and liquids and will study weather and air in the spring. The science readers are a supplement the kids love to read and use as reference for reports and artwork!
This is to thank you so much for the overwhelming response to my request for the books. I feel very privileged to have donors like you.
I want you to know that D.E.AR. (Drop everything and read) time is the most desired time for my students. And with the expansion of the class library with books you all donated, students are even more excited and focused during DEAR. Actually, students are reluctant to stop reading, as they now have a great selection with the new books.
Thank you again for donating your time and money to help children learn in a richer environment. These books will not only help the students who I have now but all the ones who will be in my class for many years to com. Thus, this is a gift which will keep growing and benefit many children!”
Again, thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generosity in donating to donors choose on behalf of Room 7 at George Peabody School. The assortment of fiction and non-fiction books organized in bins at all fourth and fifth grade levels have arrived, and are being read every day by students in the class.
This fourth grade is comprised of children of a wide range of reading abilities and interests. The books from donors choose have been a source of motivation for students seeking interesting reading at their levels. They are also providing excellent reading instruction.
Now that this readers' library has been established we intend to see it grows. We have already added books, and will continue to do so throughout the year.
Thank you all again for your contributions.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Bockris
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