Funded Jun 27, 2009Thank you so much for your very generous donation to my fifth graders. The Science materials you donated are such an important addition to our classroom--the Science Lab. Thanks to you, our classroom now houses a growing culture of beetles, (we're at least three generations deep), an aquarium with fish, aquatic snails, and mussels, a pet hamster, and a hydroponic bean garden!
In this day and age of "high stakes testing," in which Science education is being squeezed out of elementary schools so that Reading and Math test scores will rise, my students are falling in love with Science. I make a point to provide my students with hands-on experiences in Science, but your donation allows us to take Science education further. We don't just read about Science, we do it! The students are really viewing themselves as scientists, using their free time to care for the live organisms in our classroom, and going out to the yard to collect more!
Students are going deeper into their learning than I've ever seen them before. It's incredibly empowering for them to realize that they can learn things on their own, simply by observing.
Thank you. Thank you for your generous donation, thank you for valuing Science education, and thank you for believing in my students.  ”
With gratitude,
Ms. Tuohy