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<div class="employeeMatchingInstructions"><p>Here's where the fun begins:</p>
<ul class="numbered"><li class="li1">Click "<a href="../donors/search.html">See Projects</a>" to browse thousands of projects submitted by public school teachers. ... more
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<div class="employeeMatchingInstructions"><p>Here's where the fun begins:</p>
<ul class="numbered"><li class="li1">Click "<a href="../donors/search.html">See Projects</a>" to browse thousands of projects submitted by public school teachers.
</li><li class="li2">On the Payment screen during check-out, enter your corporate email address and associate ID in the Matching Donation section.
</li><li class="li3">When your donation is complete, you'll get a verification email to immediately activate your matching donation.
</li><li class="li4">You'll receive thank-you''s and photos from the classroom you choose to help!
<a href="../donors/search.html"><img border="0" src="../images/misc/seeprojects_btn.gif" alt="See Projects" /></a></div> hide
Your generous donations have given us the opportunity to explore the world of learning through technology. Our students were so happy when we got the LCD projector. Instead of watching educational movies on a small computer screen we can now see these movies with the LCD projector. This is just the beginning.
We are also going to be able to explore educational websites with online games and quizzes that will build up my students' educational background. We can play review games such as jeopardy using the LCD projector. The list goes on and on!
Thank you once again and may God Bless You all for caring about my students' education.”
I am very thankful for your donations towards our Library. The carpet that we received was beautiful. I can now sit the whole class for reading time on the rug. The rug has squares where students can sit and this has helped in more ways that I can say. The students love the improvements and the reading rug has beautified the Library wonderfully. We hope that you will continue to donate for such causes and continue to bring the smiles on the student's faces.
Mr. K”
With gratitude,
Mr. K.
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{"challengeId":27792,"stats":{"active":0,"funded":2,"donors":1},"shouldSaveChallengeIdCookie":false,"challenge":{"id":27792,"type":"Challenge","donorId":336025,"name":"The IS Team Giving Page","URL":"https://www.donorschoose.org/donors/viewChallenge.html?id=27792","shuffleProjects":false,"landingTab":"HISTORICAL","isPartnerPage":false},"challengeName":"The IS Team Giving Page","vanityType":"challenge","isGivingPage":true}