<p><b><a href = 'http://www.svmoms.com'>Silicon Valley Moms</a></b> is a collaborative community of Bloggers that operates blogs around the country. Our sites showcase the ups, downs, outrages, struggles, victories, and the everyday humor of motherhood.<br><br> Our approximately 200 writers are working moms, stay at home moms (SAHM), city moms, suburban moms, rural moms--but, most of all, they are opinionated moms. Check out some of the ... more
<p><b><a href = 'http://www.svmoms.com'>Silicon Valley Moms</a></b> is a collaborative community of Bloggers that operates blogs around the country. Our sites showcase the ups, downs, outrages, struggles, victories, and the everyday humor of motherhood.<br><br> Our approximately 200 writers are working moms, stay at home moms (SAHM), city moms, suburban moms, rural moms--but, most of all, they are opinionated moms. Check out some of the classroom proposals we have selected by clicking on them below.</p> hide
Thank you very much for your contribution to my classroom. The students who are working on this project will greatly benefit from this experience and begin to learn how to battle the leading cause of death in the United States. Because my students are all English Language Learners, the hands-on experience this provides will increase their understanding of cardiac anatomy and physiology. This experience will hopefully encourage them to pursue higher level science courses in the future. With out your donation this would not be possible!
Can you hear the cheers from our room? You will tomorrow when I tell my class of 32 eager science learners that our project has been funded. We have heard stories and seen pictures of other fifth grade classes that have ventured to Mars --- and now, thanks to your generous donation, they too will be launched to the Red Planet in early 2009! Will they apply to be a medical technician, navigator, communications officer, or probe specialist? What "emergencies" will they be required to handle on their mission? And will their teamwork be able to match their intense preflight training? It looks like my class and I have some work to do. Work that will be as rigorous as it will be rewarding.
The excitement is already mounting. Let the countdown begin!
I'm so excited that our first set of Weekly Readers is soon to arrive!
Our students love learning new information. They have already read through many of the classroom magazines and non fiction books, sharing new facts with everyone. The Weekly Readers are sure to spark interesting class discussions and prompt further investigation into many topics.
Thank you for your generous donation to our students! I can't wait to see their faces when they read the first issue”
Thank you very much for funding my request. It truly means a great deal to me and even more to my students. These books will be able to help so many children. All of my students are learning English and a great way to help them is to hear the language. From this donation, I will be able to reach all my students. Thank you very much for funding my request. It is very generous of you and much appreciated”
Thank you so much for your amazing generosity! By funding this proposal, you are giving my students and their families the resources and opportunity to start reading traditions in their own homes. They are going to be absolutely thrilled!
I also want to share with you that not only are you making my students' dreams come true, but you have also completely rejuvenated me and my teaching. You have reminded me of the greater community that supports our students outside of the classroom. Thank you so much for giving me this precious gift.
Thank you so much for funding this grant! With the recent budget cuts for education in California, my school is struggling to purchase even necessities like pencils and paper. Needless to say, art supplies are definitely out of the question for my school's budget. I'm so happy and relieved to know that I'll have these materials for teaching art to my students. They really love art, and I think it's so important to give all students an opportunity to develop their artistic creativity. I can't wait to share this news with my class, and get started teaching them drawing techniques.
Thank you so very much. I appreciate what you have done. I'm not sure how I will ever get to thank you enough. I can't wait to see my students' faces when I tell them we can paint more because of you. I also look forward to being able to have the book hanging while I read, instead of holding it in my lap. Again thank you very much. We look forward to getting our supplies.
What an exciting message to receive this evening. Thank you so very much! I am very excited to share the news of your generous donation with the students. Now we can begin our adventures in cooking. We will put the supplies to good use with our culinary skills!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am ecstatic to implement these book sets and CD players into my daily curriculum. My children this year, including my six English Language Learners (ELL), are going to benefit tremendously from these materials. These materials will be well loved and put to good use immediately! The children are in the habit of reading to a partner and reading to themselves and now this new listening feature will help them with fluency, language acquisition, and content vocabulary specific to their individual needs. They will all be superstar readers by the end of the year thanks to your contribution to my cause. This is truly a surprise and blessing, that even during troubled economic times, wonderful citizens and organizations like you are willing to step-up and support education. Thank you, thank you, and please know that your support is greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful new year”
You know how most writers say they experience "writer's block?" Well, my students have language and writing disabilities and ALWAYS have writer's block. But, with your donation they now have access to a software program designed for them. The goal for the sixth and seventh graders is to write a perfect paragraph, and eighth graders are trying for a perfect essay. With your donation, my students will be able to meet their goals, and they are enthusiastic to do so. I can't wait to see how their writing improves.
Thanks for choosing to fund our project. We will use these supplies constantly in my classroom.
With a heart full of thanks,
Mrs. ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. N.
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