Hey -
So I'm doing Mustache For Kids (http://www.m4kla.com/Home.html) whereby you grow a mustache and get people to donate for it.
It's like those marathon things people do. Except instead of training for many weeks and run an excruciatingly long distance... I grow a mustache. And have to wear a mustache. For A Month. Yeah, first one sounds way easier eh (slackers)?
SO, you're here because I ask you to ... more
Hey -
So I'm doing Mustache For Kids (http://www.m4kla.com/Home.html) whereby you grow a mustache and get people to donate for it.
It's like those marathon things people do. Except instead of training for many weeks and run an excruciatingly long distance... I grow a mustache. And have to wear a mustache. For A Month. Yeah, first one sounds way easier eh (slackers)?
SO, you're here because I ask you to donate to one of the cool little school charities below. Choose one and they get your money. No overhead - just money to kids and teachers. Roxorz huh?
Oh, and for your very gracious gift, a joke:
Good ol Norvegian joke:
"I need to buy some boards there, Sven."
"How long you want 'em, Ole?"
"Long time. I'm building a house, ya know."
You like that? How about another...
So, Ole --- I see you got a sign up that says, "Boat For Sale." But you don't own a boat, Ole. All you got is your old John Deere tractor and your combine.
"Yup, and they're boat for sale."
Ok, ok one more...
A french fry walks into the bar and says to the bartender "Hay , could I get a beer please"
The bartender looks at him shacking his head and say "Nope, we don't serve food here"
A mushroom walks into the bar and says to the bartender "Hey , could I get a beer please"
The bartender looks at him shacking his head and say "No, we don't serve food here"
The mushroom says "Why not! I'm a Fungi!"
MORE?! Jeez...
Q. What do you call a blonde hiding in a closet?
A. The 1987 World Hide and Seek Champion.
No more...
Q. Why did the blonde climb the glass wall?
A. To see what was on the other side.
Q. What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
A. Anyone can roast beef.
Aaaand finally, just to end on a positive note:
Q. Where do you find a no legged dog?
A. Right where you left him.
Oh, and 17 hairs counts as a mustache... right?
<br> hide
The "Books They Love" project was a success! In addition to seeing my students read the novels and complete mandatory book reports, I often over heard them discussing them with each other. They started a book rating list on the wall of the class, and debated over how many stars to give different titles. The overwhelming favorite was The Book Thief by Zusak. This is a poetically written piece of historical fiction that is not a light read. I worried that they wouldn't want to tackle it, but in contrast, it proved to be the hottest novel and other students badgered whomever checked it out until the reader returned the book.
This increased frenzy had dramatic pay-off. Approximately fifteen students applied for and used their first library card. ALL of my tenth graders passed the California Exit Exam in English (CAHSEE) on their first try. In addition, I had several seniors who hadn't passed the CAHSEE and were in danger of not graduating. Every one of the seniors who passed my class passed the CAHSEE!
My students loved reading so much that after their final grades were turned in, they wrote and illustrated children's books and took them to our local elementary school to read and donate them.
As I reflected on the success of this year I asked students why they thought they were so successful this year. A major component was the novels donated to our class. This gift caused my students to realize two things: 1. Reading and knowledge can improve their enjoyment of life 2. People care about them.
We can't thank you enough. ”
With gratitude,
Ms. Underwood
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and 13 other donors.
Thank you for your great generosity. It will definitely be appreciated by the students. The students will be looking forward to upgrading, as our current equipment goes off and on. My room is used all year long with our school student population of about 4,400+. My classroom was modified to for computers with old equipment. The new equipment will allow us connection at a higher speed, which was a problem all year. This is truly a blessing to have organizations like DonorsChoose and good people like you who have students' interest at the top of the list.
Thank you again, from students and myself.
Mr. Al M, Teache”
With gratitude,
Mr. Martinez
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and 11 other donors.
Thank you for donating to our "Literacy Fund"! What a phenomenal way to start the new year! You've given us the best gift we could ask for this season. So many of my Kindergarten students would never have the opportunity to learn with hands-on materials without your generosity. You've ensured they will be reading and writing at or above standard by the end of the year. The best part is, these materials will guarantee they are having fun and will likely be motivated learners for life!
I can't thank you enough for being so generous during this tight time in our economy. It really makes my work that much more enriching and rewarding. I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season!
I wanted to thank you so much for your generous donation to my classroom. The easel and play money that you donated have already helped my students and will for many years to come. We have already used the play money more than once and it was very helpful for my students who need manipulatives.
Our school district is currently facing a budget shortfall, so without your help, my students would never have had these vital resources.
Wow! We just got back to school after our Winter Break and I was catching up on a number of E-mails. What a great gift to see that our proposal was fully funded. I have been sharing the news with our 550 students. Their response has been cheering and asking when does the equipment come to school. We are now learning patience and gratitude.
On behalf of myself, my students, and my school district, I can't thank you enough for your generous donation to fund my project. I have an amazing group of students who enthusiastically tackle every new unit we begin. With this multi-media projector, I can confidently prepare for our next project knowing that I'm going to have all the A/V equipment I need to keep my students interested and excited about what they are learning.
I told my kids at the beginning of the school year that I was trying to get a projector for us, and they were so hopeful. When I told them yesterday that the project was funded, they actually cheered and clapped! They couldn't believe perfect strangers cared so much for them, and I could tell they were truly honored. Thank you so much not only for investing in their education, but also for reminding them of how valuable they are”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Miller
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