It is with mixed emotions that I am participating in Mustaches for Kids. That's right, for the next four weeks, I will be subjecting myself to public humiliation and private doubt by growing what will no-doubt be a ridiculous looking Mustache. In order to justify this endeavor I need your support. Please sponsor my Mustache by picking a classroom project from the list below to support. And wish me and my Mustache luck. (By the way, is a 501(c)3 charity. See below for ... more
It is with mixed emotions that I am participating in Mustaches for Kids. That's right, for the next four weeks, I will be subjecting myself to public humiliation and private doubt by growing what will no-doubt be a ridiculous looking Mustache. In order to justify this endeavor I need your support. Please sponsor my Mustache by picking a classroom project from the list below to support. And wish me and my Mustache luck. (By the way, is a 501(c)3 charity. See below for approvals from Charity Navigator and the Better Business Bureau.) hide
As you can see from the photos I posted my students have been thoroughly exploring the potential of creating recycled art with the heat guns. Students not only learned about the importance of recycling and the alternative ways we can recycle (i.e. a piece of art), but they also learned about being flexible and working with the spontaneity you get when working with the guns. Many projects we created varying from sculpture pieces to pendants and pins.
Thank you for supporting this project and giving my students the opportunity to explore a new art medium. I also thank you for your patience as I complete this thank you package.”
I cannot thank you enough for all of your generous donations. Your ability to understand how important it is for my students to be able to have things to play with at recess is amazing. They have genuinely enjoyed using the basketball net and bikes on our school playground. It has kept down the amount of fights and arguments between students because they were too busy playing with each other.
They have learned how to share and work together by using these great toys. The bikes have also helped our students with learning how to work their gross motor muscles and tied in perfectly with our nutrition unit. Thank you again for all of your donations it has truly made a difference for our students. ”
Thank you again for your incredible donations to my class. The students were so excited when the sand and water table arrived. I filled it with Kidfetti for the first few days. The colors and texture captured their interest and made it even more exciting. After that, the truly big excitement began. I filled the table with water. It became a whole new adventure! The letter and number crabs and fish turned reading and math into a great new game for all my students but most importantly for my lower performing students. These children now want to make words ALL the time by capturing the letters in the water. Their new found excitement for words is the direct result of your generosity.
The supplies that you helped provide to my class have made a huge difference for some very fabulous children. You have brought excitement and fun to a class full of bright children. You created a place in my room where children beg to go to play and explore with letters and numbers!
On behalf of my current and future students, thank you so much for your help in making Kindergarten education so exciting and fun!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. DiFurio
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