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Line Leaders

Part of: J.Crew Cares: Associate Matching Program 2014
  • $5,716raised
  • 51projects funded
  • 49schools served
  • 49teachers supported
<p>J.Crew/CC Retail Stores (W), 770/13th Fl</p> <p>Team Captains: Rose Barron, Allison Schoeberl, Alison Wuillermin, Michelle Copleman</p> <p>This page contains a selection of projects curated for you. If you wish to engage in your own search for projects that speak to your passions, please go <A HREF="">here</A>.</p>
  • Help Us Make A Memory!

    Funded Dec 20, 2014

    Thanks to you guys we are now able to photograph everything that we do. Recently we went on a trip to Columbia University many. Thanks to your generosity we were able to make lasting memories of that trip.

    Every time my students enter the classroom they are super excited to use the tablet. They have been researching many different topics using the tablet. At the end of this year we will be going on a trip to Six flags, and their prom. Thankfully we now are able to take pictures of our different activities. Due to the lack of technology in my classroom we are now able to explore so many different things using the resource you helped provide us with.

    The students love the tablet and keep asking me when we can get more. Although sometimes they do fight over it they really enjoy using it as much as possible. At the end of class when we are done doing work I reward them with game time on the tablet. This has overall really made a huge difference in the classroom so THANK YOU”

    With gratitude,

    Mr. Merenda

    This classroom project was brought to life by The Team and 7 other donors.
  • You Can't Have Smart Without ART!

    Funded Oct 28, 2014

    Thank you so much for believing in, and generously supporting, our project. I have been wanting a subscription to this publication for years and was so excited to receive the first issue, and are thrilled to say it did not disappoint.

    At first, when I presented "reading material" to the children they were not felt, this is the art room, it's one of the few places where we don't have to "work"! But that changed once they opened the magazines. I didn't present them with a task other than to open up and explore the magazine with a friend. Once that happened, everything changed. Suddenly they were excited, laughing, smiling, asking questions and having conversations about what they were seeing and reading, and isn't that what it's all about?

    This summer I plan on creating an entire fifth grade unit plan implementing these magazines and art making and look forward to seeing what the new school year will bring.

    Thank you once again.”

    With gratitude,

    Ms. Angel

  • Super Artists...

    Funded Dec 23, 2014

    Thank you for your generous donation to our school which leads me to think that you understand just how important visual art is for us. Your willingness to help the children in our community made all the difference during this school year. Your donation made the art classes flow and I was able to coordinate a sequence between the art projects. This year students learn all about them self. The students were able to make projects that made them think about their physical appearance, to their internal appearance as well as the different types of feelings, their community and how to be safe in the streets. The students also learned to appreciate and care for the needed people. They created greeting cards that were sent to the hospital to sheer them up. The students always seem to be eager to use the art materials you donated. Once again, thank you. You guys are very generous and have a big heart. May god bless you always. Thank you for changing our lives.”

    With gratitude,

    Ms. C.

  • Art Materials for Exceptional Artists

    Funded Oct 12, 2014

    I would just like to start by saying thank you. Thank you for impacting my classroom with your generous donations. Each one of you have given my students the opportunity to explore their artistic creativity. When the package arrived my students were so excited to receive new art materials. They were intrigued by the beautiful bright paint colors and new brushes, ready to dive in and explore with colors and different brush strokes.

    We use the materials during social studies. Recently we finished an exploration of ancient civilizations. We painted several replicas of Aztec masks. We also use the materials during art time on Fridays where students are allowed to choose the materials they would like to occupy themselves with. Just this past Friday a few students participated in a model clay sculptures competition. It builds their self-esteem and also helps them to tap into their interests.

    These materials help to bring art back into the classroom. They give my students the opportunity to explore the inner artists inside each one of them.”

    With gratitude,

    Ms. Taylor

  • Butterflies!

    Funded Oct 21, 2014

    Thank you for your generosity!!

    My students were so excited when I told them they would each be receiving their very own caterpillar to care for. Their excitement was contagious as they watched their caterpillars begin to spin their webs and eventually form complete cocoons. The cocoons have all been transferred into the butterfly cage and the students check every morning to see if any butterflies have emerged.

    While we wait we are spending time reading our butterfly books and using scientific words to describe various stages and parts of both caterpillars and butterflies. They have been so engaged and excited for science time during this unit. This hands on experience is one they will remember for years to come!

    Thank you so much!”

    With gratitude,

    Mrs. Wood

  • 2014-2015 School Year Here We Come!

    Funded Nov 17, 2014

    The girls from 7th and 8th grades and I cannot fully express our joy, excitement, and appreciation for your donation to our project.

    As any of you who are familiar with the ways of teenagers likely know, organization is not generally one of their strong suits. These planners have absolutely been an incentive for them to improve those skills this year, and for that we are indebted to you!

    Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity. Purchases like this are expensive and can seem like the investment isn't worth it, but the improvement I've seen in my girls this year in their organizational skills is proof that it was money well spent.”

    With gratitude,

    Ms. Conner

  • Help Our School Paint a Picasso!

    Funded Nov 24, 2014

    I would like to start by expressing my immense gratitude for your generosity! Your donations mean so much to us.

    This school year one of my students told me, "Ms. Bigio we're like real artists!" To which I responded, "You're not LIKE real artists, you ARE real artists!" They couldn't believe that they were able to use canvas boards, paint with acrylic and have BRAND NEW brushes. This year we were rich with supplies and we owe it all to you! Our classroom culture is completely transformed through art education. My students have been able to express themselves in ways they've never experienced before. In one of our first lessons we discussed how artists express feelings through color and texture. They were then able to translate this into their own paintings.

    Students from other classes would wander by our art studio and say it wasn't fair that they didn't get art in their schedule. Your donations have allowed us to start an after school art club and have also allowed us to put together an art show for the end of the year.

    While many of my students have become very fond of painting several of them expressed that art was not their forte. In my classroom this was completely acceptable. I did not want to force anyone to love something that they intrinsically did not but I did want to expose them to something new. I believe I have succeeded in creating meaningful experiences for my students this year in art. Thank you for making this possible!”

    With gratitude,

    Ms. Bigio

    This classroom project was brought to life by Wells Fargo and 3 other donors.
  • Hands-On with Music

    Funded Sep 24, 2014

    First, I would like to thank you for your generous donation to myself and to the students at Willow Oaks Elementary school. When my second and third graders found out that they would each be receiving their own recorders they were all very exited. They were even more delighted to find out that the recorders they were getting were not rentals. Some students mentioned that the recorder was the first instrument that they had ever owned. My students were also very glad to have their own white boards with the staff lines, erasers, and markers. They were pleased that they did not have to wait for me to right the notes and clefs signs on the white board, and they were proud to point out that their staff lines would not be crooked like mine. As soon as the students got a hold of the markers and the boards they began showing me that they could write down all of the notes they had learned in the treble clef. When the students looked at the Essential Elements for Recorder Book, they could not believe that they could actually read the notes on the first page. They all raised their hands to show me the notes they were able recognize.

    The students use these resources on a regular bases. The second and third grade students use the recorders four days a week, and they are now sounding like real musicians, which they are very proud of. They can now play music in 4/4 and 2/4 time, they can read and play: eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, whole notes, quarter rests, half rests and whole rests. Students can also recognize double barlines, repeat signs, and tempo markings. The second and third graders use the Essential Elements for Recorder Book to learn and review different music concepts. My second through fifth graders use the white boards and materials several times a week to help them learn and review musical concepts. The white boards are a great way for me to quickly check how well the students are catching onto a concept, and which concepts they need more help in.

    This project has greatly boosted my teaching as well as the students learning. The recorders and white boards have allowed the students to have a more hands on approach to music learning. Without these materials the students would not be able to have as strong understanding of the material as they currently do. They are able to show me how different notes should sound and where the notes should be placed on the staff. Due to these materials the students are more engaged in the lesson and have something to show for what they have learned. Since the students can take the recorders home they are able to practice at home and do small in home concerts for their family and friends. These materials have also allowed me to make a connection with the common core standards, which is a very important part of their day in their general education classes. As the students go on in their music education these materials will continue to make an impact on their music learning. Thank you again for your generous donations.”

    With gratitude,

    Mrs. Pier

    This classroom project was brought to life by an anonymous donor and 19 other donors.
  • We Like Big Books and We Cannot Lie!

    Funded Sep 25, 2014

    I can't fully express my joy, excitement, and thanks for your donation to my project. It is great to see that you share my vision for reaching children. The children will be so excited to curl up with a great book and be transported to new places.

    Learning to read is vital in first grade and my students are lucky to have the support of all of you who believe that they deserve an amazing classroom library in which to learn, and a special environment in which to enjoy books and learn to love reading.

    I am so excited to set up this special place for them. We love big books and we cannot lie! We are going to be reading machines thanks to all of you!”

    With gratitude,

    Ms. Daverson

  • Mango

    Funded Nov 19, 2014

    Thank you for supporting our "Mango " project adventure!

    Your support has allowed many classes to take an edible and artful adventure into India.

    It's been wonderful to hear them talk about the healthy mangoes they've tasted, art they've created and are still creating. Those with parental permission are eager to get to the Mehndi paste on their hands or feet-and those without permission can't wait to see it live in their art room!

    The books are beautiful ! They reveal the beautiful Mehndi art and offer explicit instructions on how to create traditional Mehndi as well as offer an exploratory entry point.

    Different classes are using their new found skills on art projects ranging from mixed media projects, reuse printmaking, along with creating decorative borders for their letter writing.

    It's wonderful to see them growing in their creativity, world and healthful awareness. They are making the connections that most Indian artists make- getting inspiration from nature. We have many plants and a tree growing in our art room. It's been rewarding to see how many children are beginning to see the design elements which abound in our little plant haven -and making deeper connections within our natural world.

    This project is still ongoing. It will culminate with all three classes creating fresh mango smoothies and sharing their art process reflections about their mango artful journey to India.

    We could not have taken this journey to India without your support. We appreciate your ongoing support of making connections here and abroad, increasing our awareness of mangoes and folks far away with whom we find many commonalities.

    Thank you for all you have done.”

    With gratitude,

    Mrs. Edwards

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