THANK YOU for helping the kids in Charlotte. You donate some cash and I will send you some awesome pictures of my stache (it's a work in progress). Pretty sweet, I know. Thanks and don't forget, it's for the kids.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for funding my project! I told the kids that my application for a grant was completely funded and they were extremely excited! You have no idea how much this is going to mean for the students at my school. These kids, or any kids for that matter, NEVER get the opportunity to have free guitar lessons, and the possibility of this becoming a great thing in students' lives makes me realize that this is what teaching is all about. I thank all of you so much again for your support and pictures will be coming soon”
I want to thank you so very much for supporting education. I mentioned to my homeroom students today that a new club will be starting soon. Since we currently have no after-school clubs, you can imagine the buzz that went through my class. Your contribution will enhance the love of learning for those students that will participate. I am also sure that the goal of increasing their vocabulary will be the shining cherry on top. Thank you again for opening your heart and sharing your generosity”
What a wonderful surprise when I checked my school e-mail to see that the project that I submitted for the drawing books had been funded. All my art classes love to draw from the How to Draw books, because they can each draw exactly what they want to draw! We are slowly adding to our collection of How to Draw Books and the monster, dragon, Disney, and vehicle books are always the first to be selected by my students.
Thank you so much! The kids are going to be thrilled when they hear the news.
Thank you very much for your donation to my classroom! It feels like Christmas has come early. I can't fully express how grateful I am and fully appreciate your donation- especially during today’s economic stressful times. I know my students (as will I) enjoy our new rug. This year without my rug, reading time has not been as enjoyable on the cold linoleum floor. Thank you for making my classroom and my student learning experience brighter!
Thank you so very much for your donations! My students and I are very excited about being able to put these supplies to good use. I can't wait to send you pictures of my students working on equations, reviews, and key terms on our chart paper. They really love seeing their work around the room. Now they will benefit from it even further”
The students in my class want to thank you for your generosity. I very much appreciate your giving me the means to enrich the lives of my students. Having a new guitar will also allow me to open the guitar club to additional students. Our clubs meet on "Flex Fridays" to allow students to interact with adults who share their interests or hobbies. Since the students in my club are generally not the students I have in class, it allows additional opportunities for mentoring and expands the number of students who will benefit from your gift”
With gratitude,
Mr. W.
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