Thank you so much for your kind and generous donation. My students were extremely excited to see what was in the box. They began to scream and cheer. They thought it was a phone. I explained that with this iPod we will no longer have to worry about fumbling through CDs. I told them that all our music and pictures would be stored on there as well. They thought it sounded like a good plan.
I am still in the process of adding our class music and books to the iPod, but we have begun to use it for taking and storing pictures. When I plug it up to my computer my students get excited to see their pictures. Of the music and books that have been loaded on the iPod, it has made life in the classroom easier because we look for one song or book in one location. It is also really nice to have the pictures on the same piece of technology as well.”
Thanks for your donation to my classroom. The students enjoy using the brightly colored note cards. Moreover, using them as flashcards is helping to build a valuable study skill for the students. My French class did note cards for 10 key phrases in the language. They keep the note cards in a bag and then they quiz each other on the vocabulary whenever we have a couple minutes to spare in class. I'm also going to have them make note cards for the numbers from 1-20 in French, as that was a problem area on their last quiz. Moreover, the notecards will be used by my ESL students in order to get them to remember certain irregular verbs in the past tense. Thanks again for thinking of us!”
Words cannot express how thankful we are for your kindness and generosity! Our new books have made homework and classwork more exciting. My students now have literature that is appropriate for their reading level. This is key to reading instruction! I have seen tremendous growth this year in my student's reading levels. It is important for children to develop a strong foundation in reading in Kindergarten, and this strong foundation sets them up for a lifetime of successes!
Students also now have the freedom to choose books that interest them. I have a student that struggles with reading. Prior to your generous donation, I did not have any books to offer him that appealed to him. Often during self selected reading time, he sat at his desk uninterested in the selection of books that were put in front of him. Now he is excited to read a selection of books about ocean animals! He is motivated in a way that I have never seen before.
Once again, I cannot thank you enough for your gift. Thank-you for believing in my students and believing in our future!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Taylor
This classroom project was brought to life by Kia and 3 other donors.
Thank you so much for choosing to donate to my classroom. My Kindergarten students are loving their new easel and all of the fun things we can now do around it. They first saw the easel on a Monday morning and some of them did not even notice. They were in the half-asleep phase of their morning and noticed once a kid said, " Hey our morning message is on paper and not the SMARTboard!"
I brought them to the carpet for our first morning meeting and immediately saw their faces light up when I asked for volunteers to help me edit the message. They like writing on the SMARTboard but there is just something about using a marker on paper that was much more fun. Reading our "big book" is so much easier and the kids love to choose the easel as a station during literacy workshop. This is where I can see they are really listening and learning to the morning message because they can almost quote what I say. It makes me smile every time I see them using my hand gestures and teaching themselves.
The best part about our new easel is that I can now display the morning message all day and reference back to it in a breeze. It is also a great reminder, to each kid, that they are trying to earn the most Class Dojo points so they can take the message home. I have already received feedback from parents that their child is "playing school" with the paper and it's hanging up in their play area. I love that my kids are loving school. Thank you for making all of these great moments possible.”
We have been working with the materials from this project for a few months now, and my students LOVE what we have received! In our class, we have daily center time that is focused on math and reading. These materials have made our center time more fun, while still learning all about different reading and math skills.
The favorite materials (of the so many we received) include the Math Marks the Spot game- it is an awesome game that focuses on simple addition and subtraction problems, the sequencing cards- these help with retelling stories, the sight word games- we have such a variety with three different games, and the moon sand- great for fine motor skills to help with writing skills.
Other popular materials are the bucket scale- the kids love to weigh anything they see in the classroom, the log blocks- building tall, tall, TALL towers is a favorite activity, and the lacing letters- these are used to spell names, sight words, and helping with letter identification and sounds. We have very full classroom shelves thanks to this huge project!
Thank you all so much for your generous donations. Donors like you are exactly what helps my classroom remain a safe and fun place to learn and grow. Thank you!”
Thank you for your donation to the school library. The kids love to take activity breaks between reading and periods of sitting down quietly. They have competitions of who can do the most number of sets on the push up bars and they love the sliders. In the warm weather, we will go outside and use the boomerangs and frisbees in the school garden. Having these resources gives the kids ample opportunity to run, be active and learn how to live healthy lifestyles.
The school library has historically been known as a place for children to explore ideas and discover things of interest. Your donation helps them to learn how they can take charge of their future and incorporate being active each day of their lives. The students are in amazement that complete strangers care about them being the best version of themselves and they are excited to take control of their health.
Thank you again for caring and funding New York City school children!!!”
It is with extreme gratitude that I write this letter. I, along with my student leaders were so deeply moved by your gracious donation of supplies (team building books, over-head timer, and color poster paper). These supplies have been utilized in our student leadership training sessions. Due to budget cuts, we were unable to have our usual trainer conduct our leadership trainings this year. However, due to your generous donation, we were able to conduct our leadership training ourselves! This year, our student leaders have made a tremendous impact on our campus by intervening when having witnessed acts of bullying. They are brave students who have made it their mission to make our campus a safe learning environment.
Please know that my students and I are deeply grateful for your donation!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Rodriguez
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and 10 other donors.
Thank you so very much for your generous donation on behalf of my students. The Alphabet Readers Literacy Packs are a part of our curriculum on a daily basis. Besides putting an instant smile on each of the students' faces as they hear the music at the beginning of the tape, they truly enjoy and benefit from the whole experience. Each day I use them to reinforce the letter sound we are learning. The Instant Learning Centers are a creative way to teach the children ending and beginning sounds.
As all educators know, reading is fundamental to the students' success. Having the correct tools to make this not only possible but stimulating as well is critical.
Without donations from people like you, in the present economy, this would simply be impossible. Please accept this as note as a small token of my gratitude.”
Thank you so much for investing in our future. The books you have provided will help many students achieve their reading goal for years to come. The students are always super excited when the see a new book in the library and even more so when they are able to read the words in the books. Having a great literacy base is so important in a child's education and you have given them a boost with your generosity.People like you are what make my job so rewarding. Seeing the smiles your donations have put on my students faces are one of the greatest gifts. So once again thank you for supporting us!”
. Thank you for the amazing donation that you have made to my classroom. The student's could not believe the boxes that were being delivered to our class. They are very excited to get to start using the materials in our up coming life cycles unit.
Students at our school don't have an opportunity to garden at their homes. Allowing them the opportunity to create a beautiful environment on their own school campus will not only make our school an amazing place but will give each student the pride in their own efforts and hard work that will flourish before their eyes.
Working in with the materials you have provided us we hope to have a small farmers market for the parents and community after school. Giving students the opportunity to see that hard work can lead to a profit. I am so excited to plant the seed of learning using the donated materials that you have so graciously provided my students. Thank you for seeing the need in our school and giving my students an opportunity they would have never had!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. McCurdy
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