Past projects 2
Supplies! We Want To Win!
Funded Dec 28, 2016First allow me to thank you again for your generosity in funding my project! I have been teaching for over fifteen years and have primarily taught in grades 4-7. However, this year I have been assigned a second grade class and I was overwhelmed with the reality of exactly how many pencils and how much paper is consumed in lower elementary. As you can imagine almost every lesson has a cut and paste element embedded into it.
This school year specifically, I have three ELL students (English Language Learners who speak absolutely no English). One just arrived to our country and only speaks Spanish, another has been in our country for a year and speaks very little English and the third student is recently from Bangladesh and only speaks Bengali. As you can imagine it is difficult to bridge the communication gaps. However, with your donations I was able to implement a word work center where these students as well as my low level readers/writers are able to practice stamping out sight words with the alphabet stamps you provided.
Additionally, my students appear to be tactile learners and for me this means creating loads of anchor charts to help model concepts and improve instruction. With the help of your donations I have been able to create colorful anchor charts that the children can refer to whenever they need a little help with a concept or strategy.
Confucius said: "If your plans is for 1 year, plant rice. If your plan is for 10 years, plant trees. If your plan is for 100 years educate children." Well, once again allow me to thank you for being apart of my 100 year plan because your donations have positively impacted my ability to effectively educate children!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Moore
Prepared to Excel!
Funded Aug 25, 2016Dear Donor,
First allow me once again to thank you for your generosity in funding my project! We have recently started school. In fact, the students and I have only completed the first two days of the school year! I have been teaching for over fifteen years and have primarily taught in grades 4-7. However, this year I have been assigned a second grade class and I was overwhelmed with the reality that everything I have collected over the years was not appropriate for my new second grade students. As I grappled with having to leave most of my material with the new fourth grade teacher I decided to seek the help of good Samaritan like yourself to help me adequately prepare for my new adventure.
Teachers are required to report two days prior to the student to setup. It was such a wonderful welcome when I arrived to school on the Tuesday after labor day to walk into my classroom have see that my delivery had arrived. When the students arrived on Thursday I felt so confident that this was the start to a fantastic school year thanks to your help. The day went seamlessly because I was able to recopy homework assignments for the week, beginning of the year assessments, a newsletter to parents, and most importantly; my students and parents were excited to receive the durable pocket folders which are used to transport notices and homework home each day.
This year I have integrated the use of technology to drive instruction. We currently have two iPad minis but have created a project to obtain five more iPads which the students will continue to use to post exciting moments of their day to parents via Class Dojo. I also use the application to keep parents aware of both positive and not so positive classroom behavior. Additionally, my second graders are learning to scan QR codes as they rotate in our math, writing, and reading stations. This helps to cultivate an environment where student become more independent and learn how to effectively drive their instruction. Although, we have started the school year off wonderfully with the help of your donation, I recognize that my students and I still need a lot of help. In addition to our iPad project we have created an additional supply project to help use keep the momentum of pursuing excellence this school year.
Confucius said: "If your plans is for 1 year, plant rice. If your plan is for 10 years, plant trees. If your plan is for 100 years educate children." Well allow me to thank you for being apart of my 100 year - plan because your donation have positively impacted my ability to effectively educate children!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Moore