Past projects 3
Connect Us To Our Reading
Funded Feb 28, 2023We are so excited about the addition of materials to accentuate our reading program. After bringing out materials for the first time students couldn't wait to see what would be next. Our dual language students are not just learning another language, they are learning content in another language. Having the realia to accompany our reading curriculum has been monumental for student understanding. While reading about exploration we read about trading spices and pelts. Giving the students concrete examples of these to smell and touch have heightened their understanding. When a student can see and feel what a pelt is, they can move on to understanding the bigger connections instead of being stuck trying to imagine a pelt. This is true for the entirety of realia donated through this project.
The additional reading materials that were purchased have also been a big hit. The students get excited to see a book on the shelf that connects to their textbook. Additionally, it has been wonderful to include fiction as a bridge to deeper understanding and curiosity. Books like the Magic Treehouse series that have characters on an adventure in ancient Rome are engaging for students when the characters visit a location they have already read about in their textbook. Having additional materials was especially useful when we were working on the skill of comparing and contrasting. Students relished in the books and were able to compare Norse gods from the textbook to those they are familiar with from Marvel movies.
As we near the unit on Ancient Rome students are already bubbling with excitement to build the colosseum and pour over the books about ancient gods and goddesses. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for enriching our students' learning experience.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Cavolo
Listen & Be Heard
Funded Feb 28, 2023We cannot thank you enough for the donation of headphones to our dual language classrooms for our Listen and Be Heard project. Having a pair of high quality headphones for each student has helped our students access both math and literacy materials at a more independent level. Classrooms in general can be noisy places. When our students are learning in two languages and need to transfer their language skills and apply them to understanding content, it has been incredibly beneficial for them to have a quiet headspace to do so.
Having headphones with a microphone has also helped students with their writing when they need to use the speech to text feature. Students are typically more fluent speakers before they are fluent writers. Being able to share their ideas orally and have it appear on the page in front of them is very powerful. They no longer feel like they have nothing to contribute when they are not yet able to write it down.
These headphones have also been crucial to giving students practice using the microphone to record themselves reading and speaking both which are assessed throughout the year and on ELPA (english language proficiency assessment) in the spring. Giving our students practice with the technology in the comfort of their everyday classroom tasks has helped them approach assessments where headphones are used with more comfort and confidence.
Lastly, it cannot be overlooked that the students thoroughly enjoy that they look and feel like a pilot or a gamer when wearing these headphones. In the case of one particular student it is the only reason they will read or record themself on the computer. We are so very grateful for your support of our students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Cavolo
Young Scientists Need Resources!
Funded Feb 12, 2014I cannot begin to thank you enough for your generous donations that brought our dream of new science resources to life. The students in my classroom were over the moon with excitement as each new box arrived brimming with science books. They could not believe that people they didn't even know were sending these wonderful gifts for our classroom library! As the books were put into our library and students began to explore, it was heart warming to see the joy and sometimes relief when each and every student was able to find a book that matched both their reading and interest level.
Students have been able to use these new materials in a variety of ways. Many of these books have been used as research materials when students have questions and want to further explore topics we are studying up close in our classroom such as fish, plants, pollinators and amphibians just to name a few. We have also used the books for non-fiction book reports. In the past I have struggled to help students find a variety of non-fiction books at their reading level that allowed them to study a topic of their choice. This combination of interest and readability has given students the confidence to read the books aloud to their classmates and conduct their own teaching sessions on a variety of topics.
Due to the wide variety of books we now have on the topics we have been studying such as erosion and matter, students are much more interested in asking questions and knowing where they can find answers. Having both fiction and non-fiction books, including graphic novels and field guides has drawn every student into the science library. These materials have increased student engagement and complemented my lessons each week. I have found that each student now always has at least one science book in their book box at all times. I don't believe I can adequately express my appreciation for your involvement in my students' success. Your gift will continue to positively impact my classroom for years to come.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Cavolo