Past projects 109
Magical Mathematicians
Funded Sep 10, 2011Thank you so much for funding our project for math materials. The class was thrilled when the box arrived and they saw all the new materials they would be using. They love the dice when playing math games. The large magnetic pieces make learning more exciting and visual. Visuals help children to understand math concepts. We also enjoyed using the play money to help us solve word problems. The money helped us to make change and understand each coins value. We are so thankful for all your help. Thanks again.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zalaznik-Grill
Help our Printer Print
Funded Jun 3, 2011Thank you so much for helping to make our printer print. We are so excited to be able to print out our writing after we type it on the computer. We are now able to do research and print out the information we find. We are also enjoying printing pictures and using the computer to share information with others. The computers have come alive again now that they can print. It has made it so much easier to print since we do not have to travel to the computer lab now. We really appreciate you helping our classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zalaznik-Grill
Budding Biographers
Funded Apr 1, 2011Thank you so much for the wonderful biography books. We have been reading these books during social studies and reading workshop. These famous people are helping to inspire my class to reach for the stars when trying to achieve their dreams. Reading about people who have overcome struggles and obstacles and have still been successful helps for children to see that they can accomplish anything. It is so great to have these new books that are at the reading level of the children in my class. These books will be enjoyed by many children in the years to come. Thank you again for your help and support of my classroom. ”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zalaznik-Grill
Reading Wizards
Funded Apr 1, 2011Thank you so much for the books you helped my classroom get. We have been adding them to our classroom library. You have helped to build such an excitement over reading. We have leveled them and put them in the right baskets. These books give my class more choice on what to read. This helps to build life long learners. It is amazing to watch children smile as they read and to argue over who gets to read the book first. My class recommends books to each other. We have been writing book reviews to get other kids interested in reading the new books. Thank you again for your help and support.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zalaznik-Grill
Classroom Detectives
Funded Apr 1, 2011We were so excited when our box of new mystery books arrived this week. The children all rushed over to see what was inside. We have already added these books to the classroom library and have begun our mystery book clubs. These books have helped to provide my class with books that are at their reading level. They now have choice of which books interest them and are able to make decisions as a group. This has encouraged independence and ownership over their own learning. The children have been talking non stop about their new books and their excitement about reading in a book club. It is so nice to hear the excitement over reading. Thanks again for your help and support. You have made a difference in so many children's lives.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zalaznik-Grill
Amazing Authors
Funded Apr 1, 2011Thank you for all of the wonderful paper and pens. We have already begun to use the new paper to publish our writing. This paper will let us present our work for all to read in a creative way. Having a fun way to share what is written will help my students feel motivated to write. These supplies will be used to help us create poetry books for us to put in our classroom library.
We will also be using our new paper to publish many other pieces of writing this year. We will be able to share our work with our classmates, other teachers and parents. Thank you again for all of your support and help. We really appreciate it.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zalaznik-Grill
Mathematical Magicians
Funded Mar 31, 2011Thank you all so much for your help and support. My class was so thrilled when the boxes of new math materials arrived in the mail this week. We have already begun to play our new math games and use the graph paper. We used the graph paper to practice finding area and perimeter. This is just one of many ways we will be using it. We have been using the dice to practice our multiplication skills and to play games to help reinforce math skills. These materials will help to foster a love of learning in my classroom and an buzz when it comes to learning math. We are so very grateful for your help and support. Thanks again.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zalaznik-Grill
Reading Comes Alive with Exciting Books
Funded Feb 8, 2011Thank you all so much for your generous donation to my classroom. My class was thrilled when the box with all of the new books arrived. These books are now added to our classroom library. Having additional books will allow my students to read a greater variety of fiction and non fiction books. This will help foster a love of reading that will last them their entire lives. You have helped to support our curriculum in reading and writing. These new books are at the children's just right reading level. These books will help support the children in my classroom this year and in the future. Thank you again for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zalaznik-Grill
Radical Researchers
Funded Jan 24, 2011Thank you for all of the non-fiction books that you donated. My class is so excited to get all of these new non-fiction books which are leveled. Leveled non-fiction is helping my students read books that are appropriate for them. Having books that are at a child's reading level helps them to improve their skills as a reader. We are using our new books to help us with research inside of the classroom as part of our social studies and science curriculum. We are also reading biographies this month as part of our reading unit.
These books have helped the students in my class this year and will help future students. We are so thankful for your generous donation. You have changed the lives and helped build life long readers and researchers. Thank you again.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zalaznik-Grill
Bookmaking Comes Alive
Funded Dec 30, 2010Thank you so much for our bookbinding machine. We have started using it already. When the box arrived the children's faces had huge smiles and couldn't wait to open the box. We have used it to bind some of our research projects together today. We can not wait to use it to put together our mystery books next month. This machine is helping us to create long lasting books to put in our classroom library for all to read. This provides children with an authentic form of learning and allows for their work to be preserved and shared. Thanks so much for your generosity and kindness. My students and I greatly appreciate it.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Zalaznik-Grill
This classroom project was brought to life by American Express Members Project and 5 other donors.