Past projects 15
Leafing Recommendations: Growing Genre Trees
Funded Jul 13, 2024What an exciting time it has been at our school. My Library is still underway, organization is always challenging. I also have so much newfound room we are seeking books to fill our shelves. Some may remain empty, but we all hope not for long.
We have not yet began our leaves, that is getting ready to begin, and boy are the kids excited about that. If my goal was to build excitement about reading, then mission accomplished. Middle school kids don't always get excited about things...but about these books, oh boy are they excited.
I am pinching myself as I can not believe these beautiful shelves are indeed here and in place.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Shriver
This classroom project was brought to life by Wing 2 Wing Foundation and 3 other donors.The Hero's Journey
Funded May 16, 2024What fun we had reading our books and creating our narrative writing piece. I know unequivocally that when students are enjoying a learning activity that they learn more and remember what they've learned so much longer. This unit that I was only able to accomplish through generosity of people willing to make an investment in our children was just that.
Together my inspiration, my students efforts and our benefactors' generosity have indeed impacted their learning. They will remember this experience most fondly, and take away a renewed knowledge of narrative texts through the lens of a Hero's Journey and a beloved character.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Shriver
This classroom project was brought to life by Wing 2 Wing Foundation and 13 other donors.Accomplished Authors
Funded Jul 12, 2021WOW, what a whirlwind of a start to our school year. In a time where we must stay apart, this project helped my kids bring people together with stories. The students loved writing and illustrating their written work. It was especially nice to have the variety of markers and such to illustrate their work. They were especially proud to have their writing notebooks placed in our school district's central office. We still have a second wave of writing to create and they are looking so forward to continuing with the project.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Shriver
This classroom project was brought to life by Clorox and 14 other donors.iPad Palooza
Funded May 31, 2019Technology is key to preparing our students for the future. Along with the importance of using technology it is important to teach our students how to properly care for their technology. This project has done just that! I only wish I had before photos of our charging cart with long wires everywhere and all over the floor to share here the huge difference this project made in organizing our materials. They are learning how important the special cleaning wipes are, in that our screens used to be covered with smudges and now they are fresh and clean and ready to learn. When the pencil parking chart arrived I realized it was too thin for what I had envisioned, but I put it to great use holding an older and equally important technology, pencils! Thank you to all those who gave to our classroom project. It may not have been flashy like some but it was very important and very needed.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Shriver
Wiggle and Wobble While We Work
Funded Sep 18, 2018I am in awe! WOW. I had a couple of these cushions and they were in demand, my students loved them. I placed this project feeling hopeful, but also as though this were just a dream. Then as if magically 2 days later, this project was fully funded! My students who want a cushion can have one, and they really enjoy being able to wiggle as they learn. During the times that we are all seated it is evident that these are needed as my students are concentrating but not stationary. It is so gratifying to be able to meet my students needs. I could have never accomplished this without this kind donor.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Shriver
Rock n' Learning in 5th Grade
Funded Aug 11, 2018It's funny, in my application for this project I said I was sure we would find more ways to use a smart TV, and oh boy we have. Since my television arrived I have started playing music during quiet times, and the kids really like that. I hooked up my Apple TV to it, and project all sorts of learning videos and songs. I got a flocabulary membership and those songs have been fun and benifical. During dismissal my students used to be bored and get into trouble, now I can access many movies and play them, which has really helped.
Of course it was playing our Rock n'Learning DVDs that was the main goal of my project. That has been a huge success. The kids dance and enjoy learning. The problem solving challenges have been especially fun. I am so very thankful that my plea for this television was met, I am so humbled by the support of so many people.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Shriver
Here, Hold My iPad...I need my hands for STEM
Funded May 8, 2018These iPad stands have been amazing for our in class science projects. Our experiments can be recorded and that jiggle is gone. Now our recordings are crystal clear. The kids have been able to discuss their results in real time stating that their results at second 42 in the video reflect and mention the detail. Our prior attempts at digital journals have been flops due to the jiggle in recording. The stands clip right on the table so they do not take any floor space. It is amazing the difference these stands have made in the quality of our digital journals.
Beyond the video quality these stands have created yet another advantage, it frees up all the group members, so there is no one holding an iPad, everyone is actively involved in the activity.
I must also mention how super cool our classroom looks when we have these holding our iPads. It's like an old version of the Jetsons BUT this is real life and happening in my WV classroom.
I can not offer enough thanks for the kindness of the donors choose faithful who dedicate their hard earned money to classroom projects. Your dedication is making a difference everyday!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Shriver
This classroom project was brought to life by General Motors and 4 other donors.5th Grade is Going Buggy
Funded Mar 27, 2018I am quite sure that this project has been the biggest 5th grade hit of my career. The kids LOVE these little critters more than I could have anticipated. At first they are a bit freaked out, but now they all will hold them and have even given them names. These giant roaches are clean and gentle and fascinating beyond my wildest hopes for the project. I was a bit doubtful, even as I wrote the request, that I was maybe not up for the challenge. I am so very pleased to report that I have a love for my new hissers and look forward to keeping them as a loved pet year after year in my classroom.
Let's talk about the learning. Beyond adoring these critters and developing a love of non-hugable animals, my students did some great scientific observations and hypothesizing. My kids learned how to write a proper science lab report as well. WE conducted two experiments, first we raced male -vs- female hissers, timing a 1 meter run and a 1/2 meter run. Then the kids designed and created a maze trying to train their hisser to run through it using positive reinforcement (shredded carrot or sliced grapes or bananas depending on their critters preference. I will be repeating the race and maze running experiments annually. I have never seen my kids work so hard or be more gentle. I LOVE this project!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to Ripple for their unbelievable gift! Thank you to Mrs. Meadows who donated to my project and to Orkin who matched her donation. This has been a 5th grade kids dream come true.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Shriver
This classroom project was brought to life by Orkin and 2 other donors.A View For Everyone
Funded Jan 25, 2018My student's attitude toward coming to class has turned into one of real excitement. The kids just LOVE the tall stools! The classroom really does feel more spacious, and the student's can see better no matter where they are assigned. The stools are easy to move and stack at the end of the day. I love that the height of the tables makes it possible for my students to stand or sit. I have found it very easy to use flexibly in that the 36 inch diameter of the tables makes it perfect for groups of 3 and 4 to work together but still all reach the same materials as they work together. I never thought of classroom furniture making collaboration easier, but it is really happening.
I said in my request I had never seen a classroom like the one I was envisioning...but I am so very happy to see one now, MINE. I will forever be thankful to the Gates Foundation for matching donations and giving my hefty goal a jump start. I can not thank everyone who donated enough.
This project will have meaningful impact on my student's learning for years to come.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Shriver
This classroom project was brought to life by The First Million Fund and 7 other donors.Ground Erosion an Environmental Study
Funded Feb 11, 2018The excitement for hands on STEM activities is high for my class. The kids love discovering information, and our stream table models really worked. When interest is high, learning happens. I know that thee activities will be a favorite for my 5th graders for years to come.
This unit of study is so real to my WV students, because they can see erosion happening in their world. After the unit we took a hike and my students identified erosion areas, and took photos they plan to return to see how it has changed before the end of the school year.
I continue to be amazed at the generosity of Donors Choose members. I am just one teacher in the Southern WV coalfields trying to make a difference for kids, I could not have done this unit without every one's support.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Shriver
This classroom project was brought to life by UPS Foundation and 7 other donors.