Express Yourself! Student Written & Produced Plays and Musicals

Funded Oct 25, 2018

I wish you could have seen the joy and excitement as my students opened their new lighting equipment in class last week. I left most of the materials in their original packaging so students would experience the "first look" of the professional equipment. Their exclamations were so pure and filled with such gratitude - "Oh my gosh, Miss! It's like real stuff!" "It's so nice, it's in BUBBLE WRAP!!!" "We get to use all of this ourselves?!" "Man! This is so cool!" One student sat looking at the lights, cables, and rigging, she raised her hand, and asked "So, someone who doesn't even know us bought this so we could learn?" When I told the class that, yes, that was the case, they all begged me to find out who our anonymous donor was so they could thank you in person.

Day one of our project was filled with giddy enthusiasm. Students learned how to rig all of their own lights. First setting their own expectations, then going over safety, students received a comprehensive understanding of exactly how to set up our new equipment. My classroom is now filled with lighting stands and trusses ready to be programmed. Watching students uncover the reasons behind digital signals and programming modes was wonderful. Everyone was able to move at the same pace thanks to our additional equipment. My lessons have truly come alive.

Now that students know how to set up their equipment, today they will be learning how to begin to design lighting for a scene. Script analysis will lead to color choices, fixture choices, and placement of light on actors and on the stage. We will begin to look at the ways technical theatre can also tell the story of a script. What kinds of colors and lighting choices convey conflict? love? anger? How does a lighting designer communicate with an audience? Students will explore these questions and more using the equipment that was purchased thanks to your generous donation. We are so excited to move forward with our project!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Anderson