Past projects 6
Flexible in First Grade!!
Funded Sep 20, 2018I truly appreciate your generous donations for my classroom and our alternative seating. The students were over the moon when they saw all the boxes arrive with our new materials! There was quite a bit of discussion around proper etiquette in each of the seating options, but they caught on quickly enough. Their biggest responsibility is to sit where they will be able to learn the best.
The foremost thing to watch and experience in this entire process is watching the students develop a deeper self awareness, mindfulness, and self reflection. They have learned to identify their unique needs for that moment in time, and are able to choose how to best meet those needs, responsibly. Where mini squabbles can occur over a pencil, it is rare there is ever a disagreement in where to sit! It has been an impressive feat!
There's no doubt that schools nationwide are in need of support with curriculum, materials, and programs to give students the best education they can have. Support from donors like you is helping educators like us make a positive difference in the lives of our students, and providing an education that they are worthy of!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Chedester
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 10 other donors.Learn From Listening!
Funded Mar 15, 2018Thank you so much for your kind donation! Your caring support of my students has increased their actual work time in class significantly.
The students started using the headphones the first day they came! We discussed how to treat such nice technology, and then dove into the curriculum. The students are clearly more focused and on point than ever!
There's no doubt that schools nationwide are in need of support with curriculum, materials, and programs to give students the best education they can have. Support from donors like you is helping educators like us make a positive difference in the lives of our students, and providing an education that they are worthy of!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Chedester
This classroom project was brought to life by Verizon and 3 other donors.Fidgets, Please
Funded Apr 25, 2016Dear Donors,
Again, I want to express my gratitude for the donation you made for my students to be more successful in class - figits!! The figits caused quite a stir when they first arrived, as each student suddenly needed to move around more so they could use one! Luckily, I ordered enough so each student had access to one. Once all the newness wore off, and my self-regulators went back to self-regulating, it was so interesting to see how the figits would be used. What I noticed was students used them when they were the most anxious - math tests, reading assessments, that sort of thing. They would use them in one hand while writing with the other.
I also have a mindful spot in the classroom where students can go if they need a more acute level of self-regulation. A timer and more figits are used here. This is usually used when arguments creep up in the classroom or outside on recess. The students have been able to use the timer to set a goal, and then use the figits to calm their emotions. It's been great!!
The figits have been a wonderful way for the students to take control over their emotions in a positive and productive way. We are also exploring how mindfulness plays a part in that control, and we have now started to do some mindful breathing each morning to help with self-regulating. I'm excited to see the results!! We couldn't have started this journey without you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Chedester
Kindle Fires for the Class
Funded Mar 25, 2016Technology is an amplifier of natural abilities. Teachers see that good writers become better writers, good debaters become better debaters, good French speakers become better French speakers, good mathematical problem-solvers become better mathematical problem-solvers, and so on. By helping their students harness technology teachers do not see technology as a crutch, but as a propellant. Teachers have experienced the empowering power of technology themselves. Smart teachers use good assessment strategies to rigorously determine the quality of technology-enhanced projects.
It's not about technology; it's about finding out and doing "cool" things. We knew that ourselves as kids. Brilliant tech-using students have never lost the thrill of doing something new and interesting with these electronic Tinker Toys. They are pleased with their tech-using students and pleased with themselves. In-the-know teachers use technology's engagement (not entertainment) power. Technology is not "just one more thing; " it's a vital experience that brings discovery, excitement, and even fun to the classroom.
After using the Kindle Fire's in the classroom, I have also noticed the students becoming more independent, and taking more responsibility for their learning. Because the students are still impatient, having immediate access to the answers to their questions make them more inclined to try harder.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Chedester
Art is as Natural as Sunshine, and as Vital as Nourishment.
Funded Jan 25, 2015First, let me just say, thank you!
Your recent donation means that you understand just how important art is to students! There is definitely a correlation between students' involvement with art and their overall academic achievement. I appreciate your support in this often overlooked area of curriculum.
Let me tell you what we've been doing since we've received our supplies:
• We've studied the artist Frida Kahlo, and created our own self-portraits. While doing this, the students reflected on who they are, how they're changing, and what direction they're headed.
• We've studied Georgia O'Keefe and used water colors to paint flowers inspired by her famous Red Canna painting.
• We've studied Jasper Johns, and integrated math into our creations of everyday objects as we interpreted art through his eyes.
Our next project, believe it or not, is a portrait of a cow – focusing on proportions. It's been amazing to watch the students be able to create and become inspired each week! All of the children become engaged and inquisitive, and contribute so much to our community! One of my students just recently said, "Art is kind for the mind!" It has truly been a blessing!
Again, thank you! We love your support.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Chedester
This classroom project was brought to life by Disney and 12 other donors.Percy Jackson - The Lightning Thief
Funded Sep 6, 2014Because of your generosity, the students in my class are continuing to benefit from abundant opportunities to grow, learn, and excel. We gratefully accept your gift of the Percy Jackson books - they have started a fury of reading in the classroom that matches no other! Many of them have continued though the series on their own time. It's wonderful to hear them talk about reading outside of the classroom!
Each day in ELA class, we use the Percy Jackson text and a non-fiction supplemental text to practice close reading strategies, which aligns well with the common core state standards. Dr. Douglas Fishers explains, "When we have students really read carefully, they pay attention to the words, the ideas, the structure, the flow, and the purpose of that text, they're ready to answer more complex questions that require that they really think about what the author said, and compare that with what they know, what they believe, and what they think." This is what I see happening in my classroom!
It's clear that you understand the importance of encouraging students to foster a love of reading, while developing the skills to be successful in our ever changing educational world. You are making a difference in the lives of individual students and your gift helps provide outstanding academic programs, tools for our teachers, a rich community environment, and so much more! Thank you, again, for your generous support!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Chedester