Past projects 16
Books Galore!
Funded Apr 7, 2024Thank you so much for the donations to "Books Galore!" I was able to ensure my class has all the OBOB books this year. OBOB, or Oregon Battle of the Books, "is a statewide voluntary reading motivation and comprehension program sponsored by the Oregon Association of School Libraries in conjunction with a Library Services and Technology Act grant. Students in 3rd-12th grade, regardless of ability, are exposed to quality literature representing a variety of literary styles and viewpoints." (
Students work in teams and read the. books and answer questions about the books. This method works to instill a life-long love of reading. Former students have told me how much they loved OBOB and how it set them on a course to love reading.
All my students have access to the books, and I am so grateful to you for that.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moore
Organization Station!
Funded Mar 31, 2023Thank you so much for donating to make our classroom more organized! Being able to get all these book boxes allowed students the ability to keep more books in their cubbies so they have more choices of what to read. It also helped students organize folders and headphones. Now that students are more organized, we can focus on getting to work on some of our fun projects this year.
Also, the book boxes are being used in other places in the classroom to help organize art supplies and teacher materials. So it is helping everyone in class!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moore
Getting Artsy!
Funded Aug 1, 2023Wow!
We have so many art supplies to use during art class. THANK YOU!
I teach art to all 3 of our 3rd grade classes at our school, and we ran out of supplies ALL THE TIME last year. I was left buying anything we needed with my own money. So having people donate to my classroom really helps. Plus, we were able to get high quality art supplies, like Prang paints, Crayola colored pencils in bulk, water colors with 16 colors, and more! My students love painting, and having high-quality supplies makes them las that much longer so we can do more art projects.
Thank you for your continued support of teachers.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moore
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Foundation and 5 other donors.Mirror Mirror
Funded May 8, 2023Thank you so much for donating to my project "Mirror, Mirror." My students are having a blast doing their self-portraits with a mirror! We received so many compliments on how realistic our self-portraits are looking this year!
I teach art to all 3 third grade classes at my school, and all 3 of my classes have commented on how they feel like professional artists using the mirrors to look at themselves. They are noticing the way our faces translate from 3D to 2D. I love hearing the conversations around the Elements of Art this is creating!
Thank you for always showing your support. Teachers are given a very small budget to make big things happen and I wouldn't be able to do it without your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moore
Dictionary Detectives!
Funded Nov 24, 2022Thank you so much for your kindness in donating to our Dictionary Detectives fund! You have no idea how grateful we are-we use the dictionaries almost every day. One of our favorite ways to use them is to play "Dictionary Detectives." I give the students a vocabulary word to look up, and the first person to find it wins. The students are becoming so fast at it. Plus, the students look words up for writing as well, and their spelling has improved drastically!
Using a hands-on dictionary is becoming a lost art, and I am so excited to give the world of words to my students.
Thank you kindly.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moore
New Year, New Books!
Funded Aug 18, 2022Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for all the books that you so graciously donated to my classroom. I love reading, and hope to instill that love of reading in my students.
Every year, I have a new group of students with different interests and I try to keep my library stocked with what they like. This takes help from people like you to get this done!
I was able to purchase all the 2022-2023 OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books) for my classroom, and have many students on an OBOB team reading these books!
Without you, these things wouldn't be possible.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moore
Colorful Literacy Centers!
Funded Aug 19, 2022Thank you so much for the donation to my "Colorful Literacy Centers" ask! I used the bins all over the classroom in different literacy centers.
As you can see-we have LOTS of books, and I was able to separate books by colored bins that are for our new curriculum. I was also able to use the bins for some in-class work stations that we use frequently. And, I made an inviting library space for students to pick library books on a weekly basis!
It is because of your dedication to education that I am able to do these things.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moore
Art Materials for 2nd Graders!
Funded Aug 13, 2021Thank you kindly for donating to our classroom! We were not able to get our watercolors, BUT we did get some colors of the world colored pencils. This allows students to create our monthly self-portraits using colors that reflect their skin tones!
We love using them and seeing ourselves on our pages.
Students need to be represented in all aspects of the classroom, and I have been working so hard to represent all my students in the books they read, the characters they meet, and now in the art supplies they have access to.
Thank you so much for helping us in this journey towards representation for all students!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moore
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and 5 other donors.Books for 2nd Graders
Funded Feb 23, 2021Thank you so much for donating to my project. I am transforming my classroom library into one that represents all my students. As a teacher who has to buy all her own books, I have been painstakingly choosing books for years that include rather than exclude students. I aim to make sure my students see themselves represented in all types of stories. Also, I want students who are used to being represented to see students of all creeds, colors, cultures, and gender being represented too. The fight for equity starts early, and one way that teachers can do that it is to make sure their library is a place where students find themselves! Creating life-long learners starts with a love a reading, and a love a of reading starts with finding books that are engaging. What could be more engaging than seeing yourself on the page?!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moore
An Apple (Pencil) for Your Teacher!
Funded Sep 9, 2020I am so thankful that you were able to help me purchase this Apple Pencil for use with iPad. I use it every day to grade on my iPad, create lessons, and leave comments and feedback to students.
It is so much more effective than a regular stylus! I am able to write directly in a comment box, but with the Apple Pencil it changes my quick scribbles to neat typing that students and parents find a bit easier to read! Also, I can write directly on student work in our online learning platform-this saves SO MUCH time for me, and the students love seeing my handwriting on their work.
I can't thank you enough for your continued support of teachers during this difficult time.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Moore