Past projects 9
Creative Stress Breakers
Funded Aug 10, 2022Thank you for your recent donations to our library. My students are using the materials for stress relievers in the library. Not long ago one of my students came to the library for a calming break and used the supplies for anger management. The students at my school are enjoying the supplies during library and in between classes.
Several of my students have commented how nice it is to have a calming area in the library. They are excited to use the new supplies. I'm very thankful to all of my donors for allowing me to provide these materials for my students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Brown
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and one other donor.Diverse Biographies for Everyone
Funded Feb 24, 2022My students were very excited to receive the new biographies. Several of the new books were checked out during the first two days. It was a great way to jump start our reading challenge for the spring semester.
My students have a wide variety of reading interests. Several students had requested biographies. I already have holds on a couple of the new books. I am grateful to add these diverse biographies to our collection.
Several of my students are returning from virtual learning to in person learning. They are excited to see the new biographies in our collection. I'm very thankful to all of my donors for allowing me to provide these reading materials for my students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Brown
Let's Get Graphic in the Library
Funded Mar 23, 2021My students were very excited to receive the new books. Over half of the new books were checked out during the first two weeks of school! It was a great way to jump start our reading challenge for this school year.
My students have a wide variety of reading interests. Graphic novels are the most requested books at our school. Unfortunately, they can be very expense. Because of your support, I am able to provide more books for my students.
Several of my students are returning from virtual learning to in person learning. They were overjoyed to see the graphic novel titles that were added to our collection during the last year. I'm very thankful to all of my donors for allowing me to provide these reading materials for my students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Brown
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 3 other donors.Bam! Pow! Shazam! Graphic Novels in the Middle School Library
Funded Mar 4, 2020My students love graphic novels. I am constantly stalking the local book stores in search of novels on their request list. With your help, I received several novels which my students had requested. I have a waiting list for almost every one of the titles.
Because of your generous gift, my students have a larger selection of graphic novels to choose from. Most of my students can not afford a library of their own. They depend on our school library to furnish books for their reading pleasure. I love providing books that they have requested.
Once again, thank you for supporting my efforts in encouraging my students to read. As soon as they return from this pandemic, I'm sure these books will fly off the shelves.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Brown
This classroom project was brought to life by Marks Family Foundation and 3 other donors.Lights, Camera, Action!
Funded Feb 18, 2020My students were so excited to receive our cameras. I had several students who wanted to work on a stop animation project. After a little research, they asked if I could find them HUE Animation Animation kits. With your support we received our kits right before the pandemic hit our area.
My students had completed their skits and finalizing their props the first of March. Our plan was to complete our projects after spring break. Due to the virus outbreak, our project has been put on hold. When my students return in the fall, they will complete their stop animation projects.
Thank you for your support of my students. They are excited about returning to the library and completing this project.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Brown
Insect Engineering
Funded Sep 25, 2019The students in my middle school classes were so excited when our robots arrived. We have been building our different insect robots since Thanksgiving. My students have greatly enjoying working on their insect engineering projects. They almost have all the robots built and have begun to program them. As soon as we return from winter break, my students will finish coding their robots to complete mazes around the library designed by the students. Once again thank you for allowing my students to build a robot and complete coding challenges. Many of my students would never have the opportunity to work with robots without the generosity of donors like you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Brown
This classroom project was brought to life by Young Sheldon on CBS and 5 other donors.Don't Loose Your Marbles!
Funded Nov 29, 2018Thank you so much for contributing to the educational needs of my students. With the marble runs, we were able to construct a marble run roller coaster. My students were so excited when the box arrived with materials for their roller coaster project.
After my students studied forces and energy, they applied what they learned to construct their own roller coaster. This project allowed my students to engage in active learning as well as practice teamwork.
My students are currently researching project ideas for the next Donor's Choose project. They are eager to build and learn something new.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Brown
Time to Design - Engaging Minds Through Hands-On Activities.
Funded Mar 12, 2018This project has improved collaboration and cooperation in my student groups. After completing the first project build, the students understood the necessity of working together for a common goal.
When we first received the materials, Knex block kits, a couple students thought we were going to waste time playing. After I introduced the kits and explained we were going to complete engineering projects, they were more receptive to the project. Now all I hear is, "When are you going to get some more projects for us to build?"
My students are currently researching project ideas for the next Donor's Choose project. They are eager to build and learn something new.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Brown
Electrify the Ordinary! Using Makey Makey to Learn About Electricity
Funded Jan 26, 2018My students were thrilled to use our Makey Makey materials. With my teacher laptop and a few items from home, the students were able to create music from extraordinary items. They turned a bunch of bananas into a keyboard and played bongos with the computer. Most of my students do not have the funds to purchase these musical instruments. This project allowed them to experiment with music without the cost of purchasing the instruments.
At first my students were a little leery when I explained we were going to use electricity to create music. One student wanted to know if we were going to play the electric guitar. He's now researching to see how we could with our Makey Makey's.
Now my students are all excited about exploring electricity and seeing what other experiments we can do. They are even researching and suggesting ideas for what to do next with our Makey Makey kits. I'm so excited this has jump started their interest in exploring electricity and thinking about science outside of their textbooks.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Brown