Past projects 9
Hands on Math
Funded Oct 26, 2022Your donations have made such a great impact in my classroom. The children have enjoyed counting collections that were created with the counters you helped purchase. The trays have helped them keep the objects they are counting in their own space. Keeping their counting objects in their own space has allowed them to work in groups without mixing up or misplacing their items. The number puzzles have become a favorite in the puzzle center, and the children have taken to choral counting when they complete their puzzles. The games are also very popular and the children are getting better and better at matching quantities all while playing a game.
So much hands on learning through play is happening! Your contribution is making a difference and will continue to do so with this class; as well as many more to come.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ortiz
Choose, Play and Store!
Funded May 6, 2022Once again, thank you for your contribution to our classroom. The storing materials area for centers has been implemented and it has made such a big difference in our routines. The system is working wonderfully!
After only one month of school, the students have adapted well to using the storing system. Even those who do not speak English yet are able to make their choices and clean up and store things quickly. I have noticed that our transition time has improved , the students are able to independently clean up in a more organized and efficient manner and it's very easy for them to see what is available; so there is no confusion on what they can use.
I have also noticed a uptake in collaboration and problem solving. The children help each other pick up the basket if needed. They work together to put things away, and they are coming up with ways to cross use items and still put them back in its proper container. In the past, if they saw something was left out, they'd either ignore it or put it in a random place or interrupt lesson to announce the item. Now, they just put it in its proper place. It's really been great to see them exploring, collaborating, becoming self sufficient and taking pride in keeping our room neat.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ortiz
This classroom project was brought to life by Neukom Family Foundation and one other donor.Hey! Let's Listen and Read to a Good Book!
Funded Apr 7, 2022Thank you for your contribution to this project. Our listening center is up and running and it is a very popular station in our classroom!
The station is an area where children go to listen for pleasure. It is located in the library area of our classroom. The children can choose to go to the listening during center play time, and during independent reading time. They are able to independently choose any of the books I put in the choice basket. However, if there is a book they have listened to and it is not in the basket that week, they are able to ask for it and it is taken out so they can enjoy it.
I have planned many of my Read alouds so that the same book I am reading is at the listening station. The result has been that my students are participating more in book talk conversations when it is the same book. The children, especially my English Learners are talking more about the book, retelling and accurately describing events.
Adding this resource to my classroom is an asset and I can see the long term benefit. The children enjoying the resource makes the addition all the more meaningful.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ortiz
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose community & an Anonymous Partner and one other donor.Pretend! Imagine! Play!
Funded Sep 25, 2021What a wonder to see my students engaged with the items you purchased for us!
I hear the children talking, using their imaginations, and socializing as they use the new furniture and dolls in our doll house area. In the dramatic play area they are creating smoothies and delectable dishes with the new kitchenwares in our "restaurant", all while making use of money concepts at the register- you can't eat until you pay! Our blocks area, which includes using the trains has also effectively gotten the children talking more, creating neighborhoods and acting out roles as they play. Our game area is very popular and the children have gotten very good at setting up and playing the games.
My student's are mostly English Learners. Having items in play areas that encourage talking and practicing academic and social skills is so important. The addition of all the items in our play centers has resulted in a lot of practice of all these necessary skills. They are excited to go to these areas and the result has been an explosion of conversations, and engagement happening all around our classroom. Thank you for your contribution.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ortiz
Play, Learn, Explore - Morning Tubs
Funded Jul 1, 2020Thank you so much for your generosity. Your contribution helped buy items my students could use during morning arrival. The idea was for them to have a soft start to their day. They could explore, create and learn in a hands on way as we all got settled in for a day of learning. I had so many plans on how my students would use the items you helped purchase, even during the Pandemic.
My plan was simple. I would create individual bins with the items, students would have access to a bin of their choice. They could have the bin for up to a week, then switch. If they really wanted to switch before the week was over, the bin would be placed in a "clean me" tub so that I could disinfect the items if they were washable, or spray it with Lysol,and leave it unused for 48 hours if they were not.
Sadly, a few days after the package arrived, I was informed that my class would be remote, most likely for the whole year. This was a disappointment! However, I look forward to using the items with my future classes. I have bought the bins that the items will be placed in and have brainstormed different borrowing systems so that everyone has a chance to use the items.
These materials will not be wasted. Rest assured that little hands will be using these items and benefitting from your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ortiz
This classroom project was brought to life by and 3 other donors.Play, Practice and Learn Center Time
Funded May 9, 2019Thank you so much for your generous gifts to my classroom. Already my Kinders have been enjoying the items you helped purchase and they are popular items during center choice time.
With your donation you have helped me accomplish exactly what I was hoping would happen: have students engaged in academic learning that is fun. It is the end of the year and watching them make words, practice adding and subtracting and helping each other with the activities has been wonderful.
I am sure that many students will benefit from these items for years to come!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ortiz
An Earful of Kinders Reading
Funded Apr 25, 2019The end of the year is upon us and as you can imagine, keeping students engaged and focused can be challenging at times. The materials you helped fund had an amazing effect on my kinders and Reading Workshop time. They were very excited when I had them meet me at the meeting rug where I had left the boxes-unopened. They were so curious and excited.
After explaining that special people had helped purchase the materials for them, I allowed them to choose an "alien finger" and modeled how to use it to point to their words. Then, I gave them each a Hear Myself Sound Phone, explaining how to use it and how they will help us.
The result has been the most focused and quietest reading time ever! They are truly engaged. Even my struggling and less focused readers have been consistently trying to read. They even have their phones and fingers with them when they come and read to me or my assistant!
I asked the children what they like best about your gifts and many expressed delight in being able to hear their words, that they enjoy less noise and that they like to pretend they are reading to someone.
The goal was to help engage my kinders in focused reading and to help them self regulate their voices; I can honestly say we achieved both goals!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ortiz
Hands-On Math Kinders
Funded May 18, 2019I am so moved by your support and generosity!
I am sure my students will benefit greatly from the items you supplied with your donations. I look forward to using the materials and actively engaging my kinders in hands on math activities.
Hands on learning helps extend concepts being covered and gives opportunity to practice in a fun way. You have helped give me the tools to help my students learn! Thank you so much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ortiz
This classroom project was brought to life by and 2 other donors.Tinkering Kinders
Funded Feb 22, 2019First and foremost, thank you for your generosity. I am so very grateful for the opportunity you have given me to help my kinders explore concepts through play that will positively affect academically and socially.
Initially, when the items arrived; I decided to have a Tinkering Party. I grouped them on our meeting rug and told them about the people who decided to gift us building toys. They were so excited as I dramatically took out each item and told them about it. So many "ohhh"s and "ahhhh" and "those are awesome!" Some of the children had experienced such items, but many had not. I set up each one at a table for our party, in addition to things I had in the classroom; such as Legos and blocks. The children rotated to each station so they all had a chance to try out the new items. Every time I rung the bell for them to rotate and give others a chance they were both excited for the next thing and wanted to stay in their current one. It was really fun and we had an amazing afternoon.
Since then the items are a choice at the Discovery center each day. They love it! The children have gotten great at coming up with things to build. This has been extremely important for me to see because it proves that they are using and expanding on skills relating to STEM. As you will note in some of the pictures, the first structures of Lincoln logs were basic. The children have now progressed to building houses and buildings. They have also started to incorporate pieces from each kit to create their city, park and other things. Your gift has also allowed them to learn more about teamwork, trial and error, improving on their work and learning from their mistakes. They also are applying social skills, especially in communication; as they work together and help each other. My guidance in this is minimal, I let them explore and tinker away.
I wish you could see in person the delight and the benefit simple building materials have bought to my classroom. While I explored the benefits of tinkering in my personal research, I am truly amazed at how very quickly I am seeing the result of it. Your donation has made a difference!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Ortiz