Past projects 6
Reading Will Become Fun Again
Funded Aug 15, 2024I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your generous donation towards the new curriculum. SIPPS is a foundational skills reading curriculum designed to help both new and struggling readers.
My current students are 1-3 years below grade level. Using this program will give them the ability to read independently. This is not a quick fix, but will take lots of hard work and practice to become fluent readers. I would say the greatest benefit has been the students' positive response in volunteering to read. Although their struggles are evident, their attempts demonstrate their eagerness to improve.
I would like to thank you all on my students' behalf. They won't know who gave them this opportunity, but you're providing them with necessary tools and resources to enhance their literacy skills and help them reach their full potential. Thank you all!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Swearingen
This classroom project was brought to life by The Gates Foundation and 6 other donors.HELP!! I've Got the Wiggles.
Funded Apr 8, 2022Some kids just gotta keep moving! Because active seating lets kids move and adjust themselves in a non-disruptive way, they burn off excess energy and get the stimulus their muscles are looking for, making them more attentive in class.
The wobble chairs and chair bands are a fun and needed addition for my class. They have allowed my students to keep engaged and remain on task. At first they all were drawn to them - the new and fun items to use. We needed lessons on how to sit properly on the wobble chairs. It took some time, but now they remind each other of the wobble chair rules.
I now want my students to become responsible for their learning and determine when they need these items to help their focus and independence. They need to decide when they need assistance to complete tasks. This goal will take patience and time, but will allow them to become self-reliant in the classroom. Thank you again for your support.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Swearingen
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose community & an Anonymous Partner and 3 other donors.DIY Manipulatives for at Home Learners
Funded May 6, 2020Remote learning is challenging to all participants, but is most difficult for the young learners. They require tools to keep them immersed in their learning. Manipulatives engage students.
Math tools like number lines made with pipe cleaners and beads, paper base ten blocks and place value charts and craft stick math games allows them to connect to math ideas and improve their skills. Paper letter tiles allows students to gain knowledge through hands-on interactions. It'll improve letter identification, spelling and decoding. They have number and letter charts with visuals to refer to when needed. My students are taught to use their tools so they can help with their instruction.
Learning virtually is the new reality. Despite the technical difficulties, the distractions, and scheduling problems my students are eager to improve their learning. Thanks to the DonorsChoose community for allowing them this opportunity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Swearingen
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 3 other donors.Building Knowledge with Math Tools
Funded Oct 21, 2019Learning the addition, subtraction and multiplication facts, counting change, telling time, counting and solving word problems, these are just a few math concepts my students find challenging and have daily struggles with in school. Students with dyscalculia, a learning disability in math, do not understand math concepts because they are too abstract for them. Kids need a hands-on approach to learning math skills and that's exactly what you have given my students. Your donation has allowed our class to better visualize math concepts and gain insights into necessary fundamentals when they use math tools.
The Hot Dots is a favorite among my students. This allows them to practice and master math facts. They love to hear the cheers the pen "says" getting the correct answer. We have yet to use the money game (Money is taught later in school year.), but they are very excited and ask daily if we are going to learn counting money.
You have given my students the power to improve and motivation to want to improve. Thank you again!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Swearingen
This classroom project was brought to life by District Partnership Program and 5 other donors.Wanting To Enjoy A Good Book
Funded Jan 25, 2018Thank you so much for funding my project, 'Wanting To Enjoy a Good Book'. It amazes me how charitable and generous people can be.
My class library is now is an inviting space, creating a comfortable atmosphere for reading. My students were grateful for new seating, but were more excited and eager to receive the new books. Graphic novels are the new rage. The plot lines are engaging and fun. The books also illustrate every emotion, struggle and physical change by characters, helping anyone having difficulties with "picturing the story". Reading traditional books can be difficult for my students. It's often frustrating and they usually do not complete the books. Graphic novels allow my students the capability of reading the whole book. These books have given my reluctant readers a sense of accomplishment and pride. It's a huge self-esteem booster and leads to kids naturally wanting to read more.
Future planning includes classroom sets of graphic novels used for instruction. Many graphic novels have rich themes and characterization that provide plenty of opportunities for children to explore both issues that connect to their lives and the craft of the author and illustrator. They are particularly supportive for kids with specific reading challenges. The illustrations provide context clues and the manageable format and length make it possible to feel accomplishment. They are also a wonderful way to help struggling readers strengthen their vocabulary.
Because of your kindness, my students will build their reading confidence and foster a love of story.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Swearingen
This classroom project was brought to life by The First Million Fund and 5 other donors.Tag Reading - A Teacher in a Pen
Funded Feb 6, 2012I would like to thank you for your generous donation. The reading pens, books and headphones have meant a great deal to my students. They struggle everyday with tasks requiring reading, from choosing items at a grocery store to reading novels in school. I sometimes see panic in their faces when they are expected to read. Your gift is providing the needed practice that will build their skills, confidence and independence at school and beyond.
Planning has already begun for next year and I have bought several new books containing different phonetic skills for the tag reading pens. I will integrate this program to correlate and enhance my current curriculum. I'm excited to share it with my next class for the upcoming school year. Again please accept my heartfelt thanks and know all students, current and future, will benefit from your selfless contribution.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Swearingen