Simple Machines Lab Materials From Everyday Items - Part 2
Funded Nov 2, 2024Thank you so much for bringing the excitement into my classroom. The conversations my kids have had this morning have been so funny! They have been chatting away with each other when trying to not only determine what these items are and what they are used for, but what simple machine(s) make up these items. They have had so much fun digging through the bucket to discover what materials are in there, and to discover that they have seen many of these items before. They have been carefully trying to determine how these machines work and what machines these items contain. It has truly been a wonderful experience for them and one I do not think that they are soon to forget! I have heard several of them say they are going to go home and see what else they can find. Thank you again for bringing excitement, fun, and hands-on experiences into my classroom for my kiddos!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Burns