Past projects 13
Project Based Learning- We Need Supplies!
Funded Sep 30, 2013Thank you for your contribution to our classroom. We have enjoyed the materials and are grateful to have them.
I would like to take this opportunity to let you know about some of the projects we've been able to create with our supplies. We used the microscopic slides to compare animal cells and vegetable cells. My students made illustrations of what they saw and later created models of each cell. Many of my students had never looked through a microscope and were extremely excited about the activity. They really put a lot of effort into creating their projects and in the process became "Cell Experts." A few of my students express and interest in becoming scientist in the future. Many of them never before considered a future in science and math. You've open a whole new world of possibilities.
Students created a campaign to promote harmony in our school. After reading about Eleanor Roosevelt, students identified ways to improve their school. They identified problems in our school and community and created anti-bullying posters with information on how to get help.
Math class provided another opportunity for students to use the supplies in order to understand complex concepts. We used the color pencils and markers to make models of squares, which we then turned into cubes by creating models of houses made of cubes. We also used these materials to illustrate algebraic expressions.
We will continue to use our supplies all year and next year students will also get to enjoy them. Your generous donation is making learning fun and exciting for my students. Thank you again for caring about my students' education.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Corporan
Small Group Instruction
Funded May 17, 2013Thank you for your generous donation. The table my class received thanks your gift has become an invaluable resource in our classroom. One of the many benefits is that I am able to pull small groups with minimal disturbance. Our work time is maximized and students get a lot more out of their school day.
Last school year, when I posted the project, I had about six students who needed extra support. This school year a third of the class needs additional support to complete the demands of 7th grade course work. Thanks to your donation I am able to pull all students who need help at the same time. High achievers are also benefiting from our new table. Now they have a space where they can be enriched by exploring concepts in depth. I have seen an improvement in their attitude and motivation. They know they have a special place in our classroom where their needs will be met.
Your contribution to our classroom goes beyond the dollars cents. My students have expressed gratitude towards everybody who donated. They appreciate your interest in their education and they are working very hard to make everyone proud of them.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Corporan
This classroom project was brought to life by People's United Community Foundation and 4 other donors.Listening Center
Funded May 1, 2013It has been close to three months since we received the materials from Thanks to your generosity and quick action my class was able to use the materials you donated during ESL class and Algebra. I saw firsthand how your donations made a direct impact in my students' learning. My 7th graders experienced success with reading and complex mathematical concepts as a direct result of your contribution.
The Gail Gibbons Science Read-Along books were a huge hit among my new arrivals and struggling readers. Students' favorite features were the sound effects and illustrations. Many students said they brought the books to life. They explained that the illustrations were helpful in developing comprehension when they didn't understand words. These books were key in developing my students' interest in reading. I also found that students increased their English vocabulary and knowledge about animals. Visual and auditory learners showed the most improvement in reading comprehension and new language skills.
The package we received from also included an ELL Games Library. There are a total of eight games ranging in difficulty. All levels of language learners were able to play games that challenged them but also allowed them to be successful. New arrivals enjoyed games where they went over singular and plural words. They liked the shopping game, and the synonym game. Second and third year students practiced conversation, verb tenses, and idioms. Furthermore, I was ale to scaffold vocabulary lessons using the bingo games. New arrivals would find the word that was on their card while second and third year students had to find antonyms and synonyms for their words. All the games were meaningful tools which allowed students to expand their English vocabulary while having fun.
Every time we used materials you donated my student were so excited to use a new tool that would help them learn. The Unifix Cubes you purchased for them allowed my students to experience success with algebraic concepts. They were able to transform abstract concepts such as simplification, expansion, and factorization of algebraic expressions into concrete concepts using the cubes. The cubes gave variables a concrete form that they were able to manipulate. It made all the difference in the world to them. I saw many students who weren't confident in their mathematical skills really own the concept and excel among their peers.
Finally, I want to tell you about the headphones we received. We had a big need for headphones. The school provides the students with the opportunity to work on a reading program called Lexia. Those who used the program made substantial gains in their reading. Unfortunately, most of my students could not log on at home. We have computers at school, but we had no headphones. Your contribution meant that every single student was able to get on Lexia and work on their reading skills.
Your contribution had a profound impact on my students. The materials are of high quality and easy to use. They looked forward to "playing" with the ELL games, reading the Gail Gibbons books, and solving math problems with the cubes. The impact of your donation goes beyond what we were able to achieve with the materials. The sense that people care about these children and that so many people are rooting for their success had a profound impact on them. I saw a boost in their motivation to do well and succeed.
Please accept a big thanks from me, and an even bigger thank you from my students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Corporan
This classroom project was brought to life by People's United Community Foundation and 11 other donors.