Past projects 4
Emotional Regulation in Kindergarten
Funded Aug 21, 2023Thank you very much for helping to make this project a success. Our calming corner has been used consistently throughout the school year. The impact of this space wouldn't have been nearly as great without your support.
To introduce the space, we read the book A Little Spot of Feelings: Emotion Detective. Throughout this book we identified different feelings and emotions we have experienced, and what may cause these. After reading the story, I went through each of the resources in our calming corner and explained the expectations for using the space.
When a student needs the space they know to use the emotion spot buddies to identify what they are feeling and place it on the shelf. This helps me to know, in part, why they have chosen to use the space. They set a timer for themselves and then pick which material they think will help them to calm down. I always encourage them to choose a breathing activity first, and then use one of the other materials. When they feel they are ready to come back they switch their emotion spot buddy to green and that prompts me to come and check in with them.
Getting to come to a point of resolution before they return to class time has been incredibly helpful, and I believe this space in our room has helped to establish a safe and supportive classroom environment. Thank you for helping to make it happen!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Rasmussen
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Foundation and 5 other donors.A Giving Tree for Grade Three
Funded Apr 28, 2024Thank you very much for your financial support of this project. The students and I will get a lot of use out of these items in the upcoming school year and in years to come. Your kindness and generosity do not go unnoticed. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Rasmussen
This classroom project was brought to life by Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation and 5 other donors.Competency-Based Spelling
Funded Sep 7, 2022I just wanted to thank you again for the kindness and generosity you have shown in donating to my competency-based spelling project. Students are actively using the filing system independently to gather their materials and I have been given a new freedom to spend more of my time coaching with small groups.
My learners have been so grateful to have an easy way to identify where to find their specific materials. Prior to this they had to rely on me to gather all of their supplies and would get frustrated waiting for their turn. Now they can just find their group's colored folders and get to working on their unit sorts.
Once again thank you so much for your donations, they are so appreciated!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Rasmussen
Flexible Seating in Fifth Grade
Funded Jul 20, 2022I cannot thank you enough for your generosity. You have helped me afford learners more flexibility within their learning environment.
The kids love the hightop table option in our classroom. It has created a more coffeehouse type of feel and my, now, almost middle schoolers think it is the coolest thing! The options for flexible seating in our room has given learners the opportunity to learn the norms of what open seating will look like as they transition to middle school.
For me, It has also been great to see learners that normally wouldn't sit or work together gravitate to these spots in the room and begin to form relationships that may or may not have occurred otherwise. Once again, thank you, from the bottom of my heart!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Rasmussen