Funded Oct 17, 2019On behalf of my 27 students and I, thank you so very much for our new laptop computer! Since we received it and have gotten it up and running, the children have utilized this resource that your generosity has provided several times a week. This laptop is sturdy, fast, and reliable. It works dependably both on and off its charger, stays nice and cool, and keeps the school's wifi signal for as long as we need it to.
With our new laptop, we have been able to watch movement break videos without the activity freezing or skipping, and we have been able to project items and writing pieces for the whole class to see. For example, when we recently studied Greece, we used our new laptop to see Greece on a satellite map, listen to the Greek Anthem, watch children dancing the Zorba, view photos of Greek landmarks and architecture, and see examples of Greek art. We even celebrated our learning by watching Hercules, a feat that would have never been possible with our old laptop.
Professionally, I have enjoyed using my new laptop to plan lessons, input grades, and manage data that helps guide my instruction. I have also been working toward my Learning Behavior Specialist (LBS1) certification through DePaul University. Having a new laptop makes participating in the class, conducting research, watching module lessons, and completing assignments much easier.
Again, thank you so much for your generous donation. It is donors like you who make teachers feel supported and push us to improve our strategies and foster a positive learning environment. Your help has been very much appreciated. Thanks for providing us with a resource that can keep up with my digital natives, and their technological needs!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Blundy