Past projects 15
Soaring through Reading
Funded Aug 2, 2023Thank you for, first of all, taking the time to view our classroom project and taking the time to consider it. Because of you, we now have even more resources to help when working on our reading skills.
You have provided more multi sensory ways to work with letter names and sounds as we start working on our reading fluency. The students have absolutely loved working with the sand trays and LCD tablets.
The excitement the students exhibit make the learning even more fun. I think their most favorite thing to use is the whisper phones. They love using the phones during independent reading time. This allows the students to actually hear themselves reading and now they can hear how much they've improved in the first six weeks of school.
Thank you for your generosity and helping our class become better readers!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Smith
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 3 other donors.Multi Sensory Learning
Funded Mar 30, 2023Thank you for, first of all, taking the time to view our project I posted and considering it. Your thoughtfulness and generosity has provided so many new materials for my students and our class.
We have a new reading curriculum this year, so the binders and read aloud have already been so helpful in keeping students organized and on track with their learning. The gel boards were so exciting for students! They have been busy learning letter sounds and rules with the gel boards. They can't help but smile when using them.
Finally, the sensory mats were a game changer! Because of your kindness, friends who are needing a "calm" corner to just take a breather now have a resource to use while collecting themselves and preparing to return to learning.
Thank you for all that you've done for our amazing class!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Smith
This classroom project was brought to life by 3MGives and 4 other donors.Multi Sensory Fun!
Funded Oct 28, 2022Thank you for the generosity you have shown to my second graders. The materials you've allowed us to purchase not only impact our classroom, but all four classrooms in second grade. All 86 students are using the materials to improve their word recognition, blending and phoneme segmentation work. Us teachers have already seen such an impact with the learning our students have done from the use of these amazing materials. Each day they come in, they ask what they get to use that day. You've not only impacted their learning, but also shown them how learning can be fun each day. Thank you from the bottom our little hearts!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Smith
Multisensory Reading Tools
Funded Jun 30, 2022Thank you for your kindness and generosity shown to my classroom by donating to our project. With your donations, our class was able to purchase literacy supplies for our multi sensory approach.
The supplies purchased were hands on manipulatives for students to maneuver as they learn different letter sounds and word parts. The objects purchased have made learning to read so much more fun for the students.
The supplies have been so effective already in the school year. Students look forward to using the materials each day and have already shown great gains with their word recognition and reading abilities. All of this thanks to your generous donations!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Smith
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 13 other donors.Flexible Learning
Funded May 5, 2020Thank you for the generosity you have shown towards our classroom. Your kindness does not go unnoticed. You are helping several children become more successful within the classroom with these tools. We will share this with other classrooms so that more students can be reached. Thank you again for your wonderful donations!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Smith
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 3 other donors.Charging into Learning
Funded Oct 8, 2019Thank you for your kindness and generosity shown towards our class project. The students have 1:1 Chrome books and now get easy access to charging ports, which in turn helps them become more independent third graders.
The students are most excited about how easily they can access our charging cart and even use it while the chrome book is charging. It's so simple and kid friendly, which is a HUGE plus in our world.
I have a special needs students who get excited each day he comes in and sees the cart. He is able to quickly and easily access the cart himself. Any time we can allow him to be independent is a good day.
Thank you, from the bottom of my teacher heart. My students are also very thankful for this charging cart and the ease it has helped put on our class work.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Smith
This classroom project was brought to life by and 5 other donors.Listening to Learning
Funded Oct 8, 2018Thank you for the generosity you have shown our whole third grade level by helping donated towards each child having their own set of headphones. Now that each third grader has access to headphones, we can quickly get to work and be able to concentrate on our work without the multiple distractions of noises coming from students or other chrome books. The students have have all been eager for opportunities to use the new headphones and especially put their name on their own bag that was provided with the headphones. Seeing students excited to learn with the headphones makes school even more exciting!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Smith
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and one other donor.Wiggling Through our Focus
Funded Mar 27, 2018Thank you for helping our class gain access to more flexible seating. The wiggle seats have been a huge hit with our students and have even shown to help the focus of several kids. The seats are kept at our guided reading table, so the students are often at the table doing their work so they have the freedom to move while working.
With the help of the five wobble seats, my students are so excited to come to class and have a chance to use them. I cannot thank you enough for the kindness you've shared with us and I sure wish I could show you how much they have already been used.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Smith
This classroom project was brought to life by Ripple and one other donor.Reading Our Way to Success!
Funded Jun 14, 2018With your generous donations, my class has received several well written and illustrated texts. We have already used some of them for an authors study and a few others to go over key skills like main idea, author's purpose and theme.
In our classroom, we spend a lot of time diving into books and really looking at how they author came up with the story and even what their purpose might have been in writing it. The students have time daily to read, so having so many new books available makes them all so eager to read and share what they've read. Even my low readers are anxious to get their hands on these amazing books you've helped provide.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Smith
Creating a Community of Readers
Funded Jan 30, 2017Thank you for your generous donation to our classroom. The students have been working on with multiple reading strategies using the materials we received thanks to our many donations. A skill we work hard on in third grade is theme. Many of the books we received from our project really help the students dig deeper for information and aid them in finding the theme of each story.
The students have become so excited for reading time because they know after the lesson, they will get to "dig deep" into our new literature. One of their very favorite things to do with books is to become detectives. They become so excited to find text evidence within these colorful and interactive stories and want to share with others.
The joy and excitement our class has had since receiving these items has been wonderful. Thank you for the time you spent in considering our project and your generosity to our class. Their future in literature has become a brighter place.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Smith