Current requests
Incentives for Reading Rockstars!
- Be the first to support this project
- $280 still needed
- $140 for now
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My students are inquisitive, animated, and cheerful little learners!They arrive each day eager to learn and to reach new goals; however this is not always so easy since our school lacks a ton of resources, especially for our English Language Learners. Our school is located in the lowest social-economic section of Fort Worth, TX (Stop Six), where we service its 2 housing projects.100% of our students recieve free lunch and even free dinner, as they struggle to get basic needs such as food and clothing at home.In my classroom, many students are recent immigrant, non-English speakers, who are eager to learn. Since dual-language is still so new to my campus, which services mostly African American students, my students are often over-looked when it comes to Spanish resources.Our school lacks spanish books, a leveled library, and even a basic phonics and phonemic awareness program to help with literacy skills.