Past projects 3
Balancing Our Brains Using Movement and Coordination While Creating Unity!
Funded Feb 9, 2020I'm in awe how quickly you all responded to this project. Thank you so very much.
I will coordinate with our custodian to deliver these boxes of goodies to our room as it's the best way to snap photos of the joy the kids will experience when boxes arrive. You won't be able to hear their joy, but their faces will show it! I can hardly wait for these items to arrive and get them into the hands of my amazing 5th graders!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Erwin
Opening Up Our Brain Pathways Using Small, Repetitive Movements
Funded Sep 3, 2019The launching of this gift from all of you was spectacular! I wish I would have taken pictures, but we were so caught up in the moment, I forgot. We had been reading a story, "A Package for Mrs. Jewls". In this story, a teacher receives a package from the custodian and uses it to teach a lesson in gravity to her class. I pre-arranged with our custodian to deliver the package and act just like the custodian in our story - it was priceless! There were so many squeals of excitement, and it was a superb way to incorporate our sweet custodian into our learning.
My 5th graders are LOVING these wobble stools and the foot bouncing gadgets! Every row has at least one of these items and the kids are on auto-pilot each week graciously sharing these stools so everyone has an opportunity to use them. Some kids definitely focus better and can hardly wait until it's their turn to sit on the stools! If it's their day to use the stool, they will actually carry it around with them to the various learning spots - it's very fun to watch!
My next project will continue to capitalize on the importance of using movement to help regulate our brains.....Balance boards to use while we practice using our Bala-vis-x balls and beanbags to grow our neuron connections.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Erwin
Classic Books Create Credible Background!
Funded Jul 29, 2016Dear Donors,
From the onset of school beginning, my reading focus has been on identifying the story structure (setting, problem, solution) and inferring character traits; both physical and internal. Since our new library has varying reading levels and books that are of interest, it is very easy for my students to find a story to apply their learning. Students have become quite skilled now at identifying how important the character is in a story.
My fifth graders are so excited about reading this year. There are many times when I tell them it's time to move onto another subject and to put away their books, I get a resounding, "Noooo!" It warms my heart that this occurs on a regular basis. Some of the books are highly sought after; Coraline and the Mercy Watson series. I frequently hear, "When you're finished with that book, may I have it?"
A few of my English Language students are now reading more books than previous years. They are experiencing getting caught up in the moment of a story's action or character's conflict. They have books within their reading levels. They have books below their reading level which gives them a sense of "I can read a lot of books!" For my students that have limited English, they are finding success with books like The Very Hungry Caterpillar as they can write the foods listed in their primary language, thus helping them to learn the English words.
The best thing I've noticed is my students are reading a lot more this year! They asked me,"What do we have to do with each book we read?" My response, "Nothing other than enjoy it and recommend it to someone else!"”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Erwin