Past projects 2
Cuckoo for Chromebooks: Bringing Learning to Life with Technology
Funded Dec 13, 2016Thank you for helping us reach our goal and purchase Chrome books for the classroom. The students were ecstatic. We are utilizing the new technology everyday during our reading and math blocks. The children are using the Chrome books to access reading programs that will increase reading fluency as well as math websites to improve basic math facts. Many of the children I work with also struggle with writing and love using the computers to type their reports, stories, and poems they've written in class.
This year, students will be taking MCAS on the computer. The Chrome books have allowed us to implement blocks of time were students can receive typing practice in preparation for taking MCAS and feeling comfortable typing and using a computer.
This new technology is opening so many doors for my students. I can't wait to learn and experiment with new ways to use them in order to bring learning to life! You truly are an inspiration!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Johnson
An Apple a Day: iPads for Special Education
Funded Jun 22, 2016Cindy, Ryan, Gloria, Sarah, Maggie, and Chris,
Absolutely incredible! What can I say, you guys are an inspiration. Once I was able to pick my jaw up off the floor, my eyes welled up in tears. My students are beyond excited about the 2 iPads and can't wait to start using them... everyday! Our school doesn't have the funding to provided my students with the necessary technology needed to support our districts reading and math curriculum, let alone my students significant learning needs.
These iPads are going to be able to help students strengthen their skills in reading and math while staying motivated. Many of my students are beginner readers, so being able to access stories they are reading in their reading groups and listen to/interact with them through the iPads is going to give reading a whole new meaning. It'll bring stories to life! Memorizing basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts is extremely stressful for my students. By having access to educational apps that target these skills, students will begin to have more fun, drop their guard, become confident, and make progress mastering these facts!
There are a handful of students who have especially warmed to these iPads. These kiddos have a limited ability and/or stamina to be able to write. Students have been able to use these iPads while writing by talking into the device, using the Dragon app, and having their ideas recorded and typed for them. They LOVE seeing their thoughts in print and are in awe when we print them out! It's truly heart melting. I'm looking forward to showing you how much we value your donation. Students will continue to grow and thrive academically because off your kindness. You are our superheroes in disguise.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Johnson