Past projects 9
Wiggle While We Work
Funded May 26, 2022I am not exaggerating when I say there were squeals of joy in my classroom when we opened up these floor chairs. They are even better than expected (if that is even possible) and the students love using them every possible moment they can!
Something I love about these flex seats is how easy it is for the kids to adjust the height of the back, and then adjust the seat again so that they store flat. The easy storage makes having these seats possible in my small classroom! As expected, they are extremely easy to clean and can be wiped down whenever necessary!
Thank you so much for your donations to this project. It is thanks to you that my students can have comfortable, accessible, and exciting ways to sit together and work in the classroom.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Felczak
This classroom project was brought to life by Neukom Family Foundation and 4 other donors.Collaboration is Key!
Funded Mar 28, 2022Thank you so much for your generosity in providing me and my students with access to incredible resources through the use of this Teachers Pay Teachers gift card.
Being a bilingual educator makes it more challenging to find the best resources for my students that meet all of their needs. I am so happy to have been able to support other bilingual teachers by buying the authentic, engaging, creative, and research-based materials that they've created.
My students have had so much fun completing these activities, especially when they work with partners or in small groups. Thank you for making our classroom a fun and exciting place for learning.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Felczak
Miscellaneous Magic
Funded Apr 6, 2022This holiday season, I am immensely grateful for your generosity. My students and classroom have benefitted so much from the wonderful assortment of resources that you, through your donations, have provided us with.
The books have helped to diversify our classroom library and create authentic learning opportunities for my students. The headphones have been extremely helpful for my students as they access their personalized computer-based learning programs which help them to meet their learning goals. Furthermore, the number lines are helpful to all students in accessing the grade level math content. They have also been an excellent tool to help with math fluency!
Once again, I thank you for your generosity and commitment to education.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Felczak
Check Your Tech!
Funded Nov 30, 2021Thank you so much for your generous contributions to our classroom! I cannot tell you how much these items have helped our classroom function more efficiently!
The original items that were included in the project were no longer available at the time of purchase. However, I was able to select this computer charging case that holds 16 Chromebooks which nicely compliments the green TechTub that I received a number of years back through a previous Donors Choose project. I labeled each of the computer slots with each student's name and now my kiddos are able to find their Chromebooks in the morning and store them in the afternoon independently. Thanks to our tech being so organized, students have been able to take responsibility for storing and charging their devices every day.
I was also able to select 10 pairs of headphones with the funds from this project and now almost all of my students have their own set to use. The headphones allow my students to use their individualized educational computer programs to the fullest extent of their effectiveness.
I am immensely grateful to you for helping our classroom run smoother each and every day.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Felczak
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 4 other donors.You've Got Mail!
Funded Sep 8, 2021Thank you for your generous donations that allowed our class to purchase these AMAZING mailboxes! When the mailboxes first arrived in the box, my students were so excited to see what we had received. Then the fantastic custodial staff at our school assembled the mailboxes and they are beautiful!
Since receiving the mailboxes, they have helped my students and I immensely, and they are an essential part of our classroom. It's the place where students turn in their homework, store their school to home folders, and where we sharpen our pencils every morning. The students are easily able to locate their names with the tags provided, and they take great pride and ownership over the space.
I know that these sturdy mailboxes will see many new students in the years to come and will always be an essential part of our morning and afternoon routines. Thank you for making a lasting impact in my classroom!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Felczak
This classroom project was brought to life by Clorox and 3 other donors.Diverse Reads for Diverse Learners
Funded Aug 21, 2020Thank you for your incredible generosity in funding this project. Your donations mean so much to my students and me. My district has been, and continues to be, fully remote this school year and it has been challenging to create an educational environment that feels "normal." However, the diverse literature that we received through this project has done just that. With the help of these books, we continue to work towards building a virtual classroom community where students feel welcome, are free to express themselves, and ask questions.
These books have helped us to celebrate our differences and learn about what makes us unique while building a love of reading. For example, we read the story "Fry Bread" as part of our study of Indigenous People's Day and to learn about family traditions. We discussed the book "All are Welcome" on World Kindness Day. We also learned about the profound impact that latinxs have had on the United States through reading "¡Sólo Pregunta!" "Pioneros Audaces," and ¡Sé Audaz, Sé Valiente!" These are just some of the ways in which the books you provided for my students have made a difference and shaped our learning.
Thank you for being such an integral part of our classroom community this school year through the books that you have so generously donated. We are looking forward to many more rich discussions that are fueled by reading.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Felczak
Terrific Technology
Funded Nov 17, 2018It is with deep gratitude that I am writing to you, as my "Terrific Technology" project has been fully funded and the materials have been delivered. I am truly grateful for your generous donations that, together, made this project a reality. My students have already begun to benefit greatly from receiving these storage solutions. Students are taking responsibility for their learning materials and taking great care of our classroom technology with the help of the storage solutions. Furthermore, instructional learning time has also increased in my classroom due to the decrease in transition time when putting technology away. My students learned quickly how to use the iPad charging port and the TechTub and are always eager to help with setting up and putting away the technology. I am thankful for each one of you and for the positive impact that you have made on me and my students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Felczak
21st Century: Learning in a Digital Age
Funded Jan 9, 2018Thank you so much for your generosity in supporting our classroom. With the help of your contributions, my students are now effectively using the wireless headphones that were purchased on a daily basis.
Getting started with the Bluetooth headphones was smoother than expected. Each headphone comes with a carrying case. The headphones, carrying cases, and iPads are numbered so that students can easily make sure that their iPad and headphones are synced. The headphones are very user friendly and not only have a blue light to indicate that they have been turned on, but also speak to tell the students that they are ready for use. With a little bit of practice, my students are in a routine of using and storing the headphones with ease. They have been so excited about their new tools that they really take it upon themselves to care for the headphones, always making sure that they are away neatly with very few reminders from me.
The Bluetooth feature of the headphones is essential because they allow us to effectively use the technology that we have. No longer will we be worrying about the headphone cord getting stuck in the headphone jack and breaking the audio feature of the iPad. Done are the days of tripping over unnecessarily long cords and dropping the iPads to the floor in the process. It may seem like a small thing, but for second graders it makes a world of difference.
Currently we are using our headphones to connect to our iPads when using educational programs and apps such as Dreambox and RazKids. In the future, we will be using our iPads for much more including recording ourselves to improve reading fluency, listening to books in English and Spanish, and creating books of our own. A goal of mine would be to also use our technology to communicate with classes abroad.
No matter where technology takes us, we will always have our Bluetooth headphones, thanks to you, donors. We wouldn't be able to do it without you.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Felczak
Movement: Bodies and Minds
Funded Aug 15, 2017Thank you so much for each and every one of your generous contributions to my project Movement: Bodies and Minds. Words cannot truly describe the amount of appreciation that my students and I have for you. Our new seating options have surpassed my expectations in the ways that they have helped students in the classroom.
It all started with the boxes arriving at school and being delivered to our classroom. You would have thought it was Christmas in September from how excited all of my students were. We learned all about what "flexible seating" is, how we use it, and when we use it. Then all of my students got to test out all of the options over the course of the week. I ultimately assigned certain seats to specific students, and we have a few options that students are able to use when they would like to.
This project was funded at just the right time. I have a very large class with a wide range of needs, many high needs. Having students move while they work in a focused and productive way has made a world of difference. It's amazing to see students utilizing the various seating options in a way that shows they are so aware of their specific working needs. For example, the two students who frequently use the exercise balls will be bouncing away with a clipboard on their lap. Even though it may look like playing from someone who just happens to walk by, they are successfully completing their work. The cushion is so helpful for one of my students that he asked and does bring it with him when he goes to other classrooms to receive specialized services. I myself frequently sit on one of the wobble chairs during my planning or lunch time.
I want to share with you that the alternate seating has helped and reached each and every one of my 25 students in some way. It's not just something that helps students who are fidgety or students with disabilities, but rather all students. It gives them the opportunity to have some choice in their day as a student. It also provides students with the opportunity to be introspective and really evaluate what they need to be successful, what works, and what doesn't.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Felczak
This classroom project was brought to life by Sergey Brin Family Foundation and 5 other donors.