Past projects 1
Resources to STEAM Up Learning in the 2nd Grade!
Funded Jun 10, 2018
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As a STEAM and PBL (Project Based Learning) school, we place a strong emphasis on allowing students daily opportunities to problem solve, experiment, struggle, and persevere. Providing students with these opportunities spark learning and provide students with an exciting and engaging learning experience. There is nothing better than seeing students actively engaged in their learning environment. The requested resources will be used daily to reinforce math concepts and allow students to develop their abstract thinking skills. During our daily workshop time, students will use the linking cubes, base ten blocks, and fraction tiles to reinforce math concepts and solve open-ended problems. The LEGO blocks, magnetic building tiles, and interlocking blocks will be used to provide students with opportunities to struggle and persevere through challenging puzzles and tasks. It is through that struggle that students become truly independent learners.