Past projects 1
Hands On Science !!!
Funded Sep 14, 2010This classroom project was brought to life by KnowHow2GO and one other donor.
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97% of the students in my district come from families living below the poverty line. Both parents must find dual employment just to provide the basic necessities. In spite of these hardships, the parents encourage their children to focus on education and many of the students seek after school enrichment opportunities. The community knows that by supporting the children in their scholastic endeavors, they will be able rise above their current conditions. I teach Science & Language Arts to one hundred ten, very eager six graders. My students love hands-on activities, projects, performances, reader's theater, and they work well in cooperative groups. My students are highly motivated and they love to be challenged. They are the reason why I get up every morning because they push me to be a better teacher. I want to be able to challenge their eager and hungry minds and continue to expand their learning experience.