Past projects 4
Effective Learning Relies on an Organized Classroom
Funded Aug 22, 2018Thank you so much for your kind donation. You have made a true impact on my students and on my classroom, and it's such a blessing to know that my students are supported far and wide. These classroom materials most definitely take away some of the burden of having to travel between two classrooms, and I feel confident that all of my students will feel supported to learn in their organized, well-stocked classroom.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Korolkova
Is Justice Just?
Funded Dec 5, 2017Thank you so much for your contribution. My students and I are really looking forward to reading Just Mercy and doing a research project centered around one of the issues presented in the text. As we read Walter McMillian's story, we are going to read supplementary texts to compare how his experience mirrors that of the many black men and women who have been unjustly jailed and tried in this country. Additionally, we are going to explore how the justice system treats youth, women, and the mentally ill. Prior to reading the book, students will interview people in their own community to get a sense of what people believe about the justice system. They will then write a research paper that either supports or challenges a popular view. I believe that this text and this assignment will encourage students to question their surroundings and work towards a more just and equal society.
I have included some photos of the work we have done in our classroom reading Animal Farm and preparing for the MCAS. We are currently reading Purple Hibiscus and learning about the impact of colonization on Nigeria while discussing the complexity of individuals and the relationships they have with those who are close to them.
Thank you again for making our upcoming research unit a possibility. It means the world!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Korolkova
The Gift of Reading
Funded Jan 31, 2017Thank you so much for your donations! Because of you, students were able to choose their own books for independent reading, and they had a variety to choose from! Students enjoyed browsing the many new titles and selecting books that fit their interests and level of readiness (some students borrowed as many as 3 books at a time!) Additionally, students felt empowered by seeing books they had already read on the shelves and by being able to recommend those books to their friends. Not only did students get to read for pleasure, but also students selected books they could read during independent reading time in order to write the Long Composition essay on the MCAS. Lastly, our classroom has become even more welcoming and aesthetically pleasing with the addition of these new books! I hope that by seeing how much these covers brighten up the room, students will begin to realize more and more how incredible books are.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Korolkova
A+ Classroom = Organized, Functioning, and 21st Century Outfitted
Funded Aug 17, 2016Thank you so much for your contribution. On the first day of class, at the beginning of this year, students left class noting how organized and well-structured the classroom seemed. Our daily routines are made so much easier because students know exactly where to retrieve their materials, where to place classwork and homework when it has been completed, how to collect their graded assignments, and where to go when they need a quiet place to work. These might seem like little things, but they are a big deal and make the classroom an easy space to manage and navigate! Additionally, with the help of the document camera, I have been able to show students how to annotate texts and how to notice shifts in tone and setting in the works that we are reading. For my next project, I will be raising money to stock up my classroom library. Right now, I have a lot of young adult literature, but I would like to expose kids to some more of the classics--specifically dystopian novels!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Korolkova