Funded Jul 23, 2020much of the online curriculum and project work from Teachers Pay Teachers has been a blessing for my 8th grade class this year. To start the year off, I used a great cultural background template and used this with my students online. This was to learn more about the students I would be teaching this year. Unfortunately, we have been remote all year, so I have tried to find ways to learn more about them. This cultural template really helped me do that. More recently, I have used a few PowerPoints and tailored them to my student's specific needs. These PowerPoints covered how to write a 5 paragraph argument essay from start to finish.
Students really enjoyed having these PowerPoints because it allowed them to go back and use them as references when they were writing their papers.
I hope to use the remainder of the money from this project to help my students create their next extended project. They will be creating Memoirs and I hope to use templates, reference work, PowerPoints and such from Teachers Pay Teachers in order to provide guidance for the project to my students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Katz