Past projects 15
Visual Supports
Funded Nov 28, 2024Thank you so much for donating to this project. Your kindness is so very much appreciated. The items from this project have helped me to create more durable visuals to be used by the various classrooms I support. I have made icons for communication both receptive and expressive. Icons for visual schedules. Visuals/Icons for the areas of the room. Visuals for different tasks and activities throughout the classroom to support understanding. I have also been able to create lessons/activities with these materials. Thank you again so much for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Karla (Jara)
Visual Timers
Funded Nov 28, 2024These visual timers have been game changers in my daily work
The big time timer is great for clipping on my clipboard or apron when I'm taking data that requires a time component.
The stopwatches are great so that I can leave with staff when I'm having them take that data.
The watch time timer has been great for keeping me on track and showing kids how much time is left.
These have all been so helpful to my daily work and I am so thankful for the funding of this project in order to get these items.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Karla (Jara)
Visual Supports & Sensory Needs
Funded Sep 18, 2024The paper from this project has been used to create visual supports throughout the classroom for the students' school day to facilitate their receptive and expressive language development. These help the students to understand what is being said to them as we pair the visuals with verbal language as well as to help them to communicate with others as my students have language delays.
The weighted snug vests have supported with sensory regulation of the students bodies so that they can focus on the tasks and activities at hand rather than trying to manage the sensory feelings they are having in their bodies.
Overall these have supported the students to grow and make progress.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Karla (Jara)
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community & an Anonymous Partner and 4 other donors.Seating Options for Little Bodies
Funded Dec 13, 2023I actually did not receive these cube chairs because when the items were purchased by DonorsChoose they items were out of stock. I have some and they are great (those are the photos shared). I am still waiting to see if the cube chairs will come in stock. If they do not then I will use the funds for other needed items that we also do need. I have started a list of items to put in a project for my class and wonderful students. But I want to thank you for your generosity in supporting our classroom and in turn helping my students to learn and grow. We can't thank you enough.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Karla (Jara)
Creativity and Growth Through Hands on Activities
Funded Feb 25, 2024Thank you so much for donating to our class project and helping me get my kiddos get some much needed items. My students absolutely love the easel that has a chalkboard on one side and a whiteboard on the other side, plus I have paper to attach to it. We have this one and now are working on getting another since they love it. Plus it gives a lot to my kids in terms of their development by standing and drawing at this angle.
I also love the drop cloth for when we use paint so we don't ruin the ground.
The fidget friends and fidget toys have been so great for my students to utilize as reinforcers, for breaks and as intended as a fidget.
These materials have been so great for my students. Thank you again for your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Karla (Jara)
This classroom project was brought to life by A Northern California Family and 2 other donors.Visual Supports
Funded Feb 25, 2024I know that these may seem like basic, maybe not classroom items, but these items are the absolutely necessary items for my classroom.
The laminating pouches, colored ink cartridges, and paper were put to use right away to create visual supports throughout the classroom for my students' school day. These have helped my students to understand what is being said to them as we pair the visuals with verbal language, helped them to communicate with others as my students have language delays and have been used to create other visuals used across our school day and overall support my students to grow and make progress.
Thank you so much for donating to my class project and in turn helping my students!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Karla (Jara)
This classroom project was brought to life by A Northern California Family and one other donor.Sensory Supports for Little Bodies
Funded Nov 28, 2023The weighted vests and sensory wobble seats ("wiggle seats") have helped regulate the sensory system of my preschool students. These materials have helped my students to be able to focus on the lessons and concepts I am teaching them, which in turn helps them to make progress and learn all that they can while in my classroom.
My kiddos request the "wiggle seat" at circle time, table times and lunch. The weighted snug vests have made such a difference in the students who use them. It is amazing to see the students starting to realize what their body feels like with and without these sensory supports and to start to request them!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Karla (Jara)
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 4 other donors.Hands on Early Academics
Funded Nov 28, 2023These hands on materials have helped my students learn early academic concepts while having fun! They don't even realize it is learning/work time, they think they are just playing.
My students love playing with the the magnet maze and do a dot art time and ask for those often. The Ten-Frame Pop Board is both a fidget and a way for the kids to practice counting to 10, identifying numbers to 10 and one to one correspondence. They also enjoy tracing with the wooden alphabet and number board.
These materials pair tactile/hands on with visual and they can learn to use these materials independently as well. There are multiple concepts that we have worked on with these materials. We are so thankful for your donation to help us get these materials.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Karla (Jara)
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 5 other donors.ELA, Math and More!
Funded Apr 10, 2023The Montessori Preschool learning activities busy books have been so helpful for days that I have a substitute for me or my instructional aide, as I do not have to give much instruction to that person and they can support the students in doing the activities fairly easily. Some kids can even do or working on doing independently to build independent skills. The kids love matching the letters and numbers and talking about the animals and the sounds they make in the matching puzzle game. They are learning as they feel like they are playing.
Thank you so much for helping our class to get these very awesome materials that are helping the kids to learn and grow!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Karla (Jara)
Yay for Sensory, Fine Motor, Visual Motor, Early Academics!
Funded Aug 3, 2023Wow what a project this was!! All the materials are used so often in our class by all the students. The ear muffs, pop tubes, stress balls have dramatically made a difference and helped with sensory needs of may kiddos. The dot markers, chalk, dry erase markers and erasers have helped with fun activities that develop fine motor muscles. The emotions and social skills set has been great for my kiddos! And the kids love the alphabet dinosaurs and building blocks. They are fun for the kids but they are learning while playing with them.
Thank you again for your generosity in donating to my class and helping my kiddos learn and grow!!!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Karla (Jara)
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 3 other donors.