Design Gurus

Funded Jun 28, 2022

The iPad you helped purchase has been an incredible help to our yearbook staff. When I created this project, I had in mind that we could use the app Procreate to create unique images to add to our pages. What we have found is that several of my students love using Procreate among other apps to draw up large designs and spread concepts.

The most exciting aspect of this project for my students is being able to learn a new technology. The majority of my students have no experience with iPads and their capabilities. Each time a new student tries it out, they always have the same reaction: "I really love using this!" For some, this could lead to a passion for graphic design in a way that our yearbook software does not.

One of my page designers in particular has really taken to the iPad. She used the tablet to create a mock-up for her theme proposal and has used it frequently since then for projects ranging from quick, small images to full spreads and posters for advertising.

We are incredibly thankful for your support with this project!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Fredrick