Past projects 8
Dry Erase Pockets & Classroom Materials
Funded Aug 13, 2019Thank you again for helping us obtain these materials for our classroom! We use the dry erase pockets almost daily in math class — they are perfect for our units on money and place value! We also use them during our reading intervention block to practice reading fluency, since you can easily slip in a reading passage and mark errors with a dry erase marker. They make learning fun for the kids and make math drills seem like a fun game. You can't ask for more than that!
The growth mindset posters are also the centerpiece of our classroom decor. They are a constant reminder that perseverance is the way to grow. As always, we are unbelievably thankful for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Handy
Read, Baby, Read! Texts to Boost Content Knowledge
Funded Aug 6, 2019Thank you so much for the amazing collection of books! We use them during our daily read aloud time to build content knowledge about our current topic of study. For example, for the past six weeks, we were learning all about schools around the world during reading class. Then, during story time, we got to read these books to learn about even more schools around the world, like in Kenya or Australia! The kids were super engaged with the texts and were constantly asking to borrow the books to read on their own.
This week, we started our second unit in reading class, which is all about fossils. The kids are SO excited to start reading the new books about dinosaurs and paleontologists. The vocabulary they build during this unit is unbelievable!
These books have created huge excitement for all of the second graders about our new Labs block, and we cannot thank you enough for helping us procure them. Our biggest goal is to instill a love of learning in our scholars, and your generosity is helping to make this happen.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Handy
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Funder and 6 other donors.Listening Center Supplies
Funded Aug 7, 2018My students are absolutely in love with our new listening center! We created a schedule where every student gets to use the listening center at least once a week during our reading groups, and they get so excited when it's their turn! Some of them walk in first thing in the morning and tell me it's their listening center day, just to make sure I remember.
The listening center is helping to build such a positive culture of reading in our classroom. Not only does it help students access texts that might otherwise be too difficult for them, but it also helps students work on their social skills by taking turns choosing books, setting up the materials, etc. Plus, it's building all of their reading fluency skills!
I cannot thank you enough for making this dream a reality in my classroom. The kids and I are so thankful for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Handy
Listening Center Audiobooks
Funded Oct 12, 2017We cannot thank you enough for the amazing audiobooks! The students absolutely love all of the new stories and cannot wait until it's their group's turn at the listening center. They sometimes, believe it or not, even argue about who gets to choose the story for the day! Luckily, they'll have time throughout the year to enjoy every single one.
The variety of books allows for students to access texts right at their reading level, and the wide assortment of topics keeps everyone engaged. The audiobooks truly add joy to our classroom and our literacy block, and I cannot thank you enough for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Handy
Classroom Library Expansion: Social Justice & Activism Picture Books
Funded Feb 21, 2017These books have made a wonderful addition to our classroom library. My students had so much fun unpacking the boxes and envelopes and were excitedly chatting about all of the titles and characters they'd soon get to explore. These books are especially valuable given the diversity in my classroom; reading becomes so much more meaningful when children feel that they and their families are represented in the stories.
Now, we can explore important topics like civil rights, activism, and immigration in a format that's easier for second graders to understand. We'll be using the books during our daily read aloud time, during reading class, and during various lessons and group projects. They will also be available for students to check out and take home to share with their families.
Again, I cannot thank the donors enough for their generosity. Reading is a powerful tool both for personal growth and for helping the world become a better place. Now, my students have access to a collection of books that will inspire them throughout their lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Handy
Books Celebrating Bilingualism and Diversity
Funded Oct 11, 2016Lovely Donors,
Thank you SO much for the wonderful books! My students were so excited when they opened the box and saw all of the colorful titles inside. What's even more exciting is the fact that these books will allow students not only to improve their reading skills, but also to develop confidence in themselves. Each book celebrates some form of bilingualism, multiculturalism, or diversity. Positive exposure to these topics not only improves my own students' sense of worth, but it also allows them to show respect and appreciation towards others. We have already started reading some of the books during our class read alouds, and we cannot wait to read the rest. Thank you again for your kindness and generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Handy
Expand Our Library: Curriculum-Relevant History Books
Funded Nov 18, 2015I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful history books! They have made a fantastic addition to our classroom library and have clearly impacted my students' ability to connect with our curriculum in new and exciting ways. The new books are flying off the shelves; they are obviously in high demand.
Not only can my students learn more about the topics we have already covered in class, but they can also dive into our upcoming units to develop valuable background knowledge. The large collection of new books also prompted me to reorganize our whole classroom library with a revamped nonfiction section, and it has made a big difference.
Again, I cannot thank you enough for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Handy
White Boards and Erasers
Funded Oct 31, 2015Thank you again for supporting my first classroom project! My students absolutely love the new white boards, markers and erasers. As you can see in the photos I shared, they were pretty dang excited when we received the boxes. There was cheering and smiling and even a little bit of screaming. Given the circumstances, I figured it was okay just that once.
Since then, we have used the materials every chance we get. Review lessons before science and history tests are now the kids' favorite, because it means we'll use the white boards for a jeopardy-style game. We use them in our math groups, and they also come in really handy during my small-group sessions focused on practicing cursive after school.
Really, I cannot thank you enough for your generosity. It means the world to my students and to me. Happy holidays from me and my co-teacher, Mrs. Bowe.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Handy