Funded Jan 7, 2010

This is just another small expression of my gratitude for your generous donation of a video camera to my music classroom. Since receiving the camera my students and I have used it to record footage for our school's morning announcements and for the Black History Month Program.

Having access to a video camera has benefited my students in multiple ways. The students and I have discussed how to use the camera and tripod, how to record "good" footage, how to decide what footage to use in our projects, and what projects to record. Some of the footage that we have taped of our students performing the school song has been posted on the local drive of our school for all of the staff and pupils to see, and the students featured are so excited!

Thank you once again for your generosity and support to the music program at my school, selfless and caring people make such an impact on the arts education that my fellow fine arts teachers and myself can offer our amazing and talented students!”

With gratitude,

Ms. Burkett