Past projects 4
Kindling the Fire to Read!
Funded Jan 30, 2018The students in my second grade classroom will have many uses for our new Kindle Fire tablet. Primarily, they will be able to access the Accelerated Reader, which motivates them to read and answer comprehension questions afterward. In addition, the children will be able to access other educational websites with Language Arts and Mathematics learning activities. Finally, they will be able to use the Kindle in new and exciting programs that link photography and video to approved links. I can share, or the students can develop and send their work with their families at home.
I believe that the students find the access to Accelerated Reader and approved websites, such as Freckles and Front Rowed, the most exciting. So may of them can't wait to go work at the Kindle Center. This new Kindle has grown our set of tablets to five.
Many of my students have limited or no access to technology at home. I have seen my struggling students become technology literate, through using the Kindle Fire tablet. Hesitating to their real names, the majority of my 7 students reading far below grade level became familiar with the tablets and it's functions. They gained access to may wonderful learning opportunities. Mastering the Kindle gave them greater self-confidence while having fun. The students and I are so thankful to our donors for providing this new Kindle Fire Tablet. They have been given a chance to grow educationally at a much faster pace, and that is invaluable!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Svilicich
Kindle the Fire for Learning!
Funded Nov 30, 2016I am so excited to be writing this heartfelt thank you letter to the Donors Choose organization. The success of this project provided four new Kindle Fire tablets for our classroom. You may ask why the students in today's classroom require such technology? My students are from a lower socioeconomic community. Many of my boys and girls do not have access to technology at home, and our school needs to fill that need. My students need to have the same skills as the children from more advantaged situations.
At our elementary school, the students are using technology in numerous ways. My students are using these new Kindle tablets primarily to improve their reading skills. Of course, we enjoy downloading books and the students read directly on the tablet. They also access the Accelerated Reader program. This allows them to take short comprehension tests on books they've completed. They no longer have to wait in cue for one of two desktop computers. The students can also work on their math skills on various approved websites. Last, but not least, in today's world, we need to provide access to the information provided on the internet.
The Kindles have provided a lot of excitement in my second grade classroom. Technology and the increased access to these devices has really motivated their learning. Jasmin and Angel have been able to make their reading goals in the Accelerated Reader program in record time. I am so appreciative and grateful to the donors who made this project possible. The impact of having these four tablets has only begun!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Svilicich
Time for Technology
Funded Dec 31, 2015Dear Donors,
Today, the students in our primary grade classrooms use technology in a variety of ways. At Carson Street Elementary, we use our classroom computers to participate in the Accelerated Reader program. This program promotes reading comprehension. The students also engage in math games and practice typing or keyboard skills. Finally, the computer is the source of unlimited information and answers for our students,
My students are really excited and motivated by the new Lenovo classroom computer. They are surprised by the speed and response this computer provides when accessing the internet. The keyboard has a very light, accurate touch, which makes their early experiences with the keyboard successful.
I had 5 students that weren't motivated to participate in the Accelerated Reader program until the new all-in-one computer came into our classroom. I am truly thankful to all of the donors that made the donation of this updated technology possible.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Svilicich
A Beautiful Place to Learn
Funded Jan 30, 2012Dear Classroom Donor, I just had to write to thank you for your very kind donation to our classroom. You may remember that several months ago, I asked you to be a part of this Donors Choose project by sharing your email addresses. This allowed me to use the $15 gift cards provided to our school, provided by the Wasserman Foundation.
We use our new classroom carpet every day, throughout the day. The children use the carpet area for instruction of all subjects, listening to stories, to meet in small groups, and as a clean and cozy game area. The children felt really important and special to have this very beautiful new learning area provided for them. You could sense their pride and self-esteem blossom when they saw that others cared enough to improve their classroom.
With the budget crisis California schools are facing, this program provided something so critical to a bright, clean learning environment - a new classroom carpet. For young elementary school students, a carpeted learning area is a necessity. Thank you for making our classroom "A Beautiful Place to Learn". Donors Choose is a phenomenal organization that provide major purchases not only to my classroom, but to many of the classrooms at my school this year.
With gratitude,
Ms. Svilicich
This classroom project was brought to life by Wasserman Foundation and 24 other donors.