Funded Jul 17, 2023I would like to say thank you once more for your support. My students have adapted very well to making and delivering coffee and other drinks to the staff of our school. They love working in the coffee shop that we named, 'A Spark of Joe'. The smiles it brings on their faces are priceless when they work and deliver the coffee. It also brightens up the days for our staff who love to see the kids and give them hugs or hi-fives.
Before the students went into our room for the coffee shop, we read a social story on coffee carts and discussed it all. Then we had a tour before they started working. Once they went in, they were in awe of the equipment, seeing the machines and their aprons made them feel important. One of my students even had his mom record him at home making coffee for her.
Overall, my students are using their words more, and talking with the staff. Their confidence has grown since we started our coffee shop with your generous donations. I appreciate you all for everything and cannot wait for what comes next.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Sordia