Past projects 6
Rekenreks for Math Fluency
Funded May 6, 2024\
I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your generous contributions to my project. Your support means the world to me and to the young students who will benefit from these Rekenrek math tools!
Thanks to your contributions, we will be able to provide students with the resources they need to excel in math and achieve their academic goals. Your kindness and generosity have truly made a difference, and I am honored to have such amazing supporters.
I will be sure to keep you updated on the progress of the project and how your donations have impacted the lives of these students. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and for believing in the power of education.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gordon
This classroom project was brought to life by General Motors and 2 other donors.Exploring the Marvels of Caterpillar Habitats and Life Cycles
Funded Apr 27, 2024I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your generous donation towards our project. Your contribution has helped us reach our funding goal, and I am thrilled to inform you that we were able to successfully fund the project.
Thanks to your support, we can supply our students with caterpillars so they may observe them grow and learn from this hands-on experience. Your donation has made a significant impact on our efforts, and we could not have done it without you.
Once again, thank you for your contribution to our project. Your support means the world to us.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gordon
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Supporter and 3 other donors.Building a Classroom Community with Robots
Funded Aug 11, 2020I cannot thank you enough for your support toward my project! My students and I appreciate your generosity and we are beyond excited to start exploring when the school year begins. I am planning to use these a bit differently than I mentioned earlier due to DESE protocols with Covid-19, but I will design and implement safe ways to engage students with these robotic tools. I will keep you updated of how they are used this year and in the future. What I love best about this project is students will be able to enjoy the robots each year I welcome new students into the classroom.
You are all truly amazing!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gordon
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 26 other donors.Classroom Library Upgrade!
Funded Nov 8, 2016Thank you! I sincerely appreciate your generosity toward my classroom. Your kindness impacted our classroom in so many ways. As our school took on a new initiative with "Readers' Workshop" I felt challenged to provide the resources needed for my students to succeed. However, after reaching out I felt an overwhelming amount of support from members of our community. When implementing Readers' Workshop in my classroom with our new novels and picture books I was amazed to see students engaging and connecting with literature in such authentic ways. Students were almost in competition to see who could read the most books in a month! As an educator this was thrilling to see. The ipad is used during guided reading groups, interventions with struggling students, and so students can check out books from our library. The technology makes the entire process worry free and easy as it tracks the books that have been taken out.
Our classroom library has been upgraded thanks to you! But most importantly our library has appropriate materials that meet the needs of all readers and encourage students to become a community of readers as they learn that reading is fun and meaningful.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gordon
Engaging Science Resources Create Meaningful Discussions!
Funded Oct 8, 2015Thank you very much. I am overjoyed with excitement and gratitude! With your help the science center resources and materials have been funded. I am so impressed with your generosity and my students and I cannot thank you enough. It's great to see we share the same values in education.
The resources you have helped fund will provide my fifth grade ELL students with comprehensible input for different science standards and concepts. These materials will give my students the opportunity to learn in a hands-on way which will create a more meaningful experience for them.
The students and I are excited to receive these materials and to start exploring with them! We cannot thank you enough.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gordon
LeapFrog Tag Readers for My ELL Newcomers!
Funded Dec 21, 2013My students and I cannot thank you enough for the resources you helped fund for our classroom. With the help of the Leap Frog Tag Readers and sets of transitional reading books, my English language learners will be able to become fluent readers and improve their comprehension of fiction and nonfiction texts. I am confident they will advance to a higher reading level by June with the help of the 'Taggers.'
During the past few months, I have noticed a significant improvement in my students'Â reading levels, interest, and work ethic. This year I am proud to say five of my students will be advancing from the Structured English Immersion (SEI) program and will be integrating into a sixth grade "on level" regular education room in September. Many of my other students have transitioned from newcomer to beginner, beginner to intermediate, and intermediate to advanced in my SEI classroom. Overall, these results show positive reading progress and some of this information is due to the support of the Leap Frog Tag Reader Transitional Reader program. Just within the past few months I noticed a difference with my students' reading. Most have become more focused and motivated while they are in ELA learning centers because they look forward to using the tools to help with their reading. The most challenging part of my job is keeping twenty-five students motivated and making sure they have meaningful activities at their level. Leap Frog Tag Readers help solve this problem because the "Taggers" are a motivating and self-correcting tool. My colleagues and I held a fifth grade reading fair during the month of April to hold the students accountable for a long-term project. The students had to choose a book to read in completion (mostly chapter books), write a book report, and create a tri-fold poster with visuals and important information from the book. I was happy to announce that 95% of my students were motivated to compete in the reading fair. Out of the entire fifth grade, two of my students won a 1st and 3rd grade prize. I was proud to see that my bilingual students did so well while competing on a 5th grade level and I feel motivation was the main reason. Another example of an increase in the students'Â work ethic is their reliance in themselves during independent work time. At the start of the year, it was a challenge for students to complete independent work but now with the help of the self-correcting and fun Leap Frog Tag Readers they have gained a "can do"Â attitude when working in an independent center.
Thank you for your generosity towards my classroom. My students and I are overwhelmed with your incredible kindness and support. The impact your donation of the Leap Frog Tag Readers is making for my current and future students is and will be tremendous. It is because of support from people like you that all learners get a fair and excellent education no matter their background, ethnicity, and native language.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gordon