Past projects 25
Nonfiction Book Club Choices: Read What Interests You!
Funded Oct 18, 2017Thank you for your generous donations. We're starting a new reading curriculum which follows a workshop model and requires a high quantity of engaging nonfiction texts for students to select from. Once selected, they work with a group of their peers to read, discuss and analyze the text. Your donation has helped us get copies of "Trash Talk: Moving Towards a Zero Waste World" into our classroom. Through reading and analyzing this text students will have a better understanding of the impact trash has on our modern world and implications for the future. Your donation has made this possible.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Domine
This classroom project was brought to life by The Community and 5 other donors.Chromebooks for Creative Minds
Funded Aug 24, 2017Thank you for your generous donations to our project. The additional chromebooks have taken us closer to a 1:1 ratio and increased the breadth and depth of the work we're doing in language arts class. We have begun using Google Classroom to track our Independent Reading and I cannot wait to see the projects the students turn in next week! This technology has not only helped students with their individual projects but as also increased the use of collaboration and team building skills I know my students will need to be successful in their future academic careers. We appreciate your support of our classroom!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Domine
Points of View & Media Literacy
Funded Mar 9, 2017thank you for your generous donations to our classroom. In our current times it is even more necessary not only for my students to learn to understand the points of view and lenses of others but also to read with empathy. Your donation has placed several new titles in our classroom library. Students have already begun reading them and a buzz is brewing...I can't keep them on the shelves! Graphic novels have become quite popular in our room this year and this project has helped me meet the needs of my students for now and years to come. We appreciate your donation!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Domine
Great Graphic Novels for Teens
Funded Dec 16, 2016Thank you for your generous donations to our classroom. Maintaining a well rounded, diverse classroom library for nearly one hundred students is quiet a challenge. I am excited to introduce my students to this genre. Graphic novels are unique not only in their presentation but also their way of delivering a message or sharing a theme. Your donation will provide a variety of titles to help my students make these discoveries. This project is special because it puts books directly in the hands of students now and for years to come.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Domine
This classroom project was brought to life by an anonymous donor and 4 other donors.Superb Seating for All
Funded Sep 21, 2016Dear Donors,
Thank you for your generous donations to my language arts classroom. Our new flexible seating options have really changed how the classroom works. There are more options for small group work, spaces for students to silently read and a way to work efficiently in the hallway. Your donation has brought best practices to life in my classroom, helping students to acknowledge how they work best and practice doing so. I am excited to see how this change in environment fosters academic growth and overall success in school. It would not be possible without your donation!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Domine
"The Omnivore's Dilemma"
Funded Nov 18, 2015Thank you for your generous donation of books. "The Omnivore's Dilemma" is a challenging, engaging nonfiction text that explores one of the greatest issues of the next generation- our food. Through reading this text my students have explored not only a complex example of a non-fiction text but also learned a whole lot more than they ever knew about the food they eat each day. They are now more informed consumers and citizens. Your donation has provided this opportunity for them and I can't wait to explore this book with a new group of students next year!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Domine
Support our Battle of the Books 2016 Team
Funded Aug 23, 2015"Books are uniquely portable magic" - Stephen King
Thank you for your generous donation to our "Battle of the Books" 2016 collection. We had more students than ever sign up this year and we're excited to start reading and preparing for the battle. Reading for pleasure is one of the best habits young adults can build to foster their future academic success. Thank you for contributing to this project and making that possible. You've helped my students find their own portable magic and for that I am grateful.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Domine
Help Us Win "Battle of the Books"!
Funded Oct 10, 2014Thank you for your generous donations to our project. At our first Battle of the Books meeting, the students devoured these texts! The students entered the room before me, and I found them sneaking into the book box, eagerly going through it and identifying which texts they'd like to read first. The energy and excitement in the room was palpable and after the frenzy of picking their first books for this year's battle, a quiet calm filled the room while students settled in and began reading. It was exciting as a teacher to experience this moment with the students, and it set a great tone for our competition this year. I know we're all looking forward to getting into these books and the great conversations, debates and memories that will be made. Thank you for taking the time to donate to this project. Your donation has put books directly into the hands of my students and for that I thank you.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Domine
Help Us Update our 100 Year Old Building!
Funded Aug 24, 2014Thank you for your generous donation to our classroom. Your donation has not only provided updated resources for our room, but has shown our students that what we do here everyday matters and that others are there to support them. These resources will help students as they work in a peer conferencing center to strengthen their skills with written communication and group interaction, both of which are critical for college and career success. Thank you again for your generous donation. I'm excited to see their writing and collaborative skills grow!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Domine
This classroom project was brought to life by FY15 and 5 other donors.Help Us Win Battle of the Books! 2
Funded Dec 12, 2011Thank you so much for your generous donation. "Simeon's Story" details the excruciating yet true story of the kidnapping and murder of Emmett Till. With our country's adoption of Common Core standards a push is being made to include more informational text in our instruction. This text is a high interest non-fiction piece that will be in rotation in my classroom for years to come. Thank you for helping us stretch our thinking and become college and career ready! Your donation has put new books in my classroom that will be used to directly impact my students. ”
With gratitude,
Ms. Domine