Past projects 13
Inclusive Activities For 2nd Graders!
Funded Dec 20, 2022Thank you so much for your donations. This was such a generous donation that has allowed my class many opportunities to learn and experience new experiences and holidays.
With the donation, I was able to purchase curriculum that I would not have been able to experience without some help. The students were engaged in learning and really enjoyed the variety of activities and stories that we were able to learn and read.
Teachers pay teachers is a great resource for teachers and the gift cards provided changed the way I was able to teach this past month.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pishkin
This classroom project was brought to life by Panda Express and 3 other donors.Guided Reading and Guided Math in Action!
Funded Feb 27, 2020Thank you so much for this generous donation. Because of your donations, I have been able to help my students grow and learn in ways that they may not have been able to.
The use of manipulatives is essential to their learning and understanding of different math topics. My students are able to keep and access these materials in their math tool bags and feel comfortable using them whenever they need additional support.
I cannot begin to express my appreciation for your donation and the impact that the materials have had on my classroom. Thank you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pishkin
This classroom project was brought to life by An anonymous classroom supporter and 17 other donors.Reading Across Content Areas
Funded May 5, 2022First, thank you so much for your generous donations to our class. As soon as the books were delivered my students jumped right into exploring and reading the new books.
While many of the books were used as read alouds and supplemental material to our curriculum, many of the books were put right into our classroom library for the students to read and enjoy. I have loved hearing the students talk about the books and even recommend the books to other students. The excitement for reading is amazing to watch.
Thank you so much for your generous donation. I am always so excited to have new books enter our classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pishkin
This classroom project was brought to life by Dollar General Literacy Foundation and 5 other donors.Learning Experiences and Opportunities
Funded Aug 9, 2022First, thank you so much for your generous donations to our class. As soon as the materials were delivered we dove right in and began using and exploring all of our new materials.
The students were so excited to be able to learn math with different manipulatives and dove right into learning. They have been using all the different materials we have been given each and every day. The bags provided have become our Math Tool Kits where we keep all the amazing manipulatives and supplies that you provided with your generous donations.
I am able to extend my teaching and help my students grow with your donations and I truly am so appreciative. Thank you so much.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pishkin
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and 9 other donors.Help Build our Learning Resources!
Funded Nov 3, 2020The gift cards that were provided have been essential to help support our students in their day to day learning both at school and at home. We have been able to supplement our instruction with quality materials that have been created by other educators who have strong knowledge of content and subject matter.
Our students love to learn and are always so excited when we are able to provide different materials that add fun and excitement to the classroom. Students have been excited to play different games that we were able to purchase and they have been eager to learn new things about all different topics.
As we continue through this new model of teaching, we hope to continue to use the remainder of the gift cards to purchase quality lessons, materials, interactive games, and some digital materials. This is such a great gift that was given to us and we are so excited to have this change to provide quality materials for our students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pishkin
Taking a Journey Through Reading
Funded Oct 7, 2018Thank you so much for your donations so that my class could get whisper phones and lots and lots of new books. These new picture books have already helped my students learn all sorts of new skills. We have used the picture books to learn different comprehension strategies such as story events and character development. We have also used these picture books to talk about different growth mindset topics, like everyone is different, kindness, and to never give up. The messages that the many different authors have taught up throughout the different books are lessons that my students will be able to take with them through their lives.
In our class we are active learners and active readers. The whisper phones that you have helped us to purchase allow the students in my class a chance to read loud enough so that they can hear how they are reading and correct any mistakes that they may have made. Many students are afraid to read out loud because of any mistakes that they may make. These whisper phones help to take away any nerves that they may have when it comes to reading.
We wanted to thank you again for the donations that you made for our classroom. We will continue to be appreciative for your donations throughout the remainder of the year as we read all of the books purchased.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pishkin
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 16 other donors.Math at Our Fingertips!
Funded Mar 6, 2018I want to take this time once again to thank you for all your generous donations. I was blown away by how fast this project was funded and we wasted no time digging into these materials.
The Math Tool Kits went directly into the students desks and are a resource that students can access at any time to help them solve difficult problems. The students in my class love how there is a variety of resources that can help them solve problems. There are even some manipulative's that allow students to challenge themselves to solve difficult problems!
The Math Game Tubes have been a huge hit. The students love working together to solve world problems and having a variety of ways to solve the problem. Many of the students are surprised to learn that they know how to do Multiplication just by creating arrays and grouping numbers together. The buzz in the classroom when the games are being used is full of math vocabulary and problem solving out loud.
Once again, Thank you so much for your generous donations. The students in my class and I truly thank you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pishkin
Second Grade Students Stand2Learn!
Funded Jan 25, 2017We wanted to take a moment and thank you for your generous donations for our Donor's Choose project for 7 standing desks. So far, the students in our class love having this as an option for when they are doing their work. When our students first saw these desks, they were so excited about the fact that they were going to be for them to use whenever they felt the need to stand.
Many of our students have already taken full advantage of these desks and use them whenever they feel the need to stand or take a break from sitting at their desks. Small groups of students are able to stand at the desks to work on some group activities, or individual students are able to stand with a privacy folder while taking a test.
We are really excited about the possibilities of how these desks are going to impact the learning of our students. We hope to be able to add to these standing desks in the future to allowing for the opportunity for more students to Stand to Learn!
Thank you again,
Kingston Elementary Second Grade Teachers and Students”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pishkin
A Hands on Approach to Math and Reading!
Funded Sep 20, 2016We have loved using these materials so far! We have used all the games and materials in small groups for both Math Centers and when Parent Volunteers have come in to help. When students are using these games in a small group, you can see that they are really engaged and focused on the game and/or task that they are being asked to complete. The directions are easy to follow and the materials are easy for the kids to use and interact with.
My class was very excited when we first started using these games. They were engaged with the Math games and I really saw them focused on completing the different tasks that they were asked to do. They were forced to think outside the box with their thinking.. and they really rose to the challenge!
I can't wait to continue using all of these materials in our centers throughout the year. They are great resources that I can use in small groups or during partner work when we are focusing on a certain skill or topic.
I can't thank everyone enough for their donations to this project.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pishkin
Becoming Smarter, Together: STEM Instruction and Inquiry
Funded Oct 21, 2015Thank you so much for your donations for the STEM Science kits. We have been having so much fun problem solving and coming up with different ways to solve problems. We have had to create bridges to cross, beds that won't break, and homes that won't fall. These materials are so much for for our students as they tie in not only Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, but they also tie in Literature. We have been able to have discussions about fairy tales and it has led to a great introduction for our Fairy Tale unit that will be coming up!
When my class first saw the materials, they were so excited to get started. We have written in our journals and we have explored all the materials that come with the different kits. Students have already begun to come up with other plans and ways to solve the same problem. As we go through the year, we will continue to try different plans and use all the kits. They are very excited and are becoming great scientists.
Thank you again for your generous donations. We all really appreciate it!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pishkin