Past projects 4
Readers Read to Build Confidence
Funded Aug 23, 2019My 1st graders have loved reading books at their reading level! I honestly came into the school year with no books at their level, and you have helped change that! My students love reader's workshop time because they get to enjoy the books that they have "shopped" for during our book shopping time. You have made it possible for us to have a well-stocked library that students get really excited to and look forward to visiting every week!
It's also been really great seeing students develop a deeper reading identity, and what a joy it is watch that unfold! I wish you could see it for yourself! Thank you again so much for your donation, we really appreciate it!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Thi
This classroom project was brought to life by Montgomery Family Foundation and one other donor.Flexing Our Problem Solving Skills
Funded Aug 14, 2019My students have LOVED the flexible seating options in our classroom. We use it for our small groups, for word study activities, and for partner reading! My students have been more motivated to engage in the work because they enjoy the spaces that they are working in. Also during our Writer's Workshop celebration, we're able to use the lamp to create a fun and calm gallery environment!
When my students first saw the materials, they were excited to start using them! We've finally got a system down to figure out how to share these resources. In our self-care corner, students sit in the rug area using the problem solving book to help them resolve conflicts that have happened during recess. My students have become very independent in resolving all their disputes!
Thank you again for your support and generosity, it has meant so much to me and my students!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Thi
This classroom project was brought to life by Conboy Foundation and one other donor.Inspiring Future Authors And Lifelong Readers
Funded Mar 29, 2017My class has LOVED our new and improved classroom library. Every morning for Reader's Workshop, my students cannot wait to get started. They have been so much more focused because they enjoy reading wherever they can put the pillow down, and although it's been a bit chaotic, I know that you have played a huge part in fostering their love for reading! It's been so cool to see them use our new nonfiction library cart. Before we didn't have enough space to sort our nonfiction books, but thanks to the cart, they can now explore these texts based on topics like animals, environments, history, science, and cool biographies! They now whine when reader's workshop time is over :)
When my students saw the materials (finally set up, might I add, it was a harder task than I thought!), they were so amazed and incredibly attentive to hear about how this new library system was going to work. Thankfully because we have a variety of pillows, they haven't been fighting (thankfully!) and have all enjoyed your donations incredibly so!
It's almost the end of the year, so unfortunately this group of students only got to experience this library for a little while. But I'm so excited to let you know that you will have influenced not just one class of 3rd graders, but a brand new class next school year. Thank you for your kindness and sacrifice so that my students could experience a wonderful library, and also a great new reading experience.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Thi
Wipe-Out Low Self-Esteem
Funded Jul 18, 2013After about 13 weeks of being in school, my students are always excited and enthusiastic about using the whiteboards that you all generously donated. They understand that these materials are a privilege to use since our school wasn't able to provide us with such resources.
We have mostly been using the whiteboards, erasers, and markers for our math instruction as it is a very efficient and quick way to monitor what my students understand, which students understand, and which students may need more intervention. I have also pulled students into small groups and worked with them while using these whiteboards.
This resource has been effective in terms of keeping my students engaged in the lesson, as well as ensuring that every student is able to participate in the lesson.
Thank you all for your generous donation. You have all made such a great impact in my classroom as well as in my students' lives. My students and I really appreciate it!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Thi