Past projects 1
iPads for Communication and Learning!
Funded Nov 29, 2017I would like to thank everyone again for their generous donation of iPads to our classroom. They have been such a useful tool for my students. Many of my students have challenges with fine motor making writing tasks challenging. Having the iPads to use for learning and practicing writing letters has been so helpful. They are also using the iPads to work on so many other skills; reading, writing, math, communication, social skills, language development, and more in a fun and engaging way. Apps have been selected that help each student at their individual level. The students are excited to use the iPads in their daily learning. They have also been helpful to me to differentiate instruction to meet the individual needs of all my students. They also have been a good motivator for students to earn iPad time as a reward. The iPads have made a huge difference in our classroom in so many ways!
What an amazing gift you have given to my current and future students!! I am so grateful for your generous gift!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Kells and Ms. Berg