Past projects 6
Starting Our Day Off With A Smile!
Funded Sep 23, 2024Thank you so much for our wonderful rug. We love using it to read stories, work on our chromebooks, and explore with learning tools. Your donation made our classroom that much more special, and for that we can't thank you enough! What a wonderful feeling it is to know that you are supported each day when you walk into your classroom. Our students love the smiles on our carpet, and that puts an even bigger smile on our faces! Again, your thoughtfulness and kind gestures will not go unnoticed. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Isoldi
Kickoff to Reading in Kindergarten!
Funded Aug 10, 2022Thank you so much for your contribution to our classroom! The children are already building skills in areas such as: distinguishing fiction from nonfiction texts, understanding who the author and illustrator does, and how they impact the story. They are learning book parts such as the front cover, back cover, spine, and title page. They are so excited for small group reading because they recognize all these features when introduced to a new story!
Reading is very important to me, as I hope it is to my students. I try to make our reading area as comfortable as possible to make reading an enjoyable experience for my students.
We are so thankful to have these wonderful books, and we cannot thank you enough for giving us this opportunity!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Isoldi
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and 9 other donors.Fostering Our STEAM Skills
Funded Dec 3, 2019We have been loving being able to utilize our STEAM skills to build unique structures with our imagination! We are very thankful for the opportunity to work together as a class to use these materials to showcase our creative talents! We are thrilled to be using such amazing resources in our classroom, and cannot thank you enough for your support!
The look on my students' faces when the blocks arrived were priceless! They were beyond excited to be able to get to have a hands on approach to fostering their STEAM skills. They were smiling from ear to ear!
The next step for us on our journey to learn more about STEAM skills and techniques is to build and create structures such as ramps and inclined planes with the materials that you have made possible!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Isoldi
This classroom project was brought to life by An anonymous classroom supporter and 25 other donors.Using Technology
Funded Jan 7, 2019Thank you so much for giving my students the opportunity to use this wonderful charging cart to support their learning. As you know, technology is a huge part of our curriculum today, and having a charging cart to utilize our chromebooks daily really has impacted our classroom. The children are engaged, and excited about learning thanks to you! I am so grateful to have the opportunity to share my love of technology with my students, and I cannot thank you enough for your kind and generous donations!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Isoldi
A Carpet for Kindergarten!
Funded Feb 17, 2018Thank you so much for the opportunity to engage my students in amplifying their voices. They love our new carpet, and enjoy listening to stories being read to them on it. They also love using their ChromeBooks on the carpet as a comfy alternative to sitting at their tables. It also helps them with letter recognition, as we play educational games on the carpet where they are asked to find the bubble with given letters in it. I hope you know that you have made a difference in the life of my students, and I cannot thank you enough!!!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Isoldi
Chromebooks for Kindergarten!
Funded Jan 7, 2018Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. My students and I really appreciate all that you have done for us in giving us the gift of classroom technology. We have been using various educational websites to promote our goal of cooperative learning through technology.
The looks of excitement on my students' faces when I take out the chromebooks are priceless. They love using them and learning with them. The fact that they have become so independent with the computer and how to utilize it for learning truly amazes me.
Everyone in our class is truly enjoying them, and we can't thank you enough!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Isoldi