Past projects 2
Creating A Fully Equipped Classroom!
Funded Nov 28, 2018Creating a New Planet
Funded Nov 4, 2018This classroom project was brought to life by Smarties Candy Company and 2 other donors.
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My students learn about a new topic each month. I differentiate for each grade because I teach k-5. I am looking to take this project to the next level for 3-5th grade. With these supplies they can recreate their individual planet. The foam balls would represent the individual planet and the paint would bring the colorful world alive. The brushes would help apply the paint to the foam balls. It could come alive through color and through the physical form of the ball. This would add to their excitement in learning about the world and universe around us. This will make a huge difference in my students learning. Right now we have very little funding so their creative outlet has been limited to crayons, markers (which have died), and pencils. With these supplies students get a change to have something tangible to work with, going past the simple use of paper.